not only here, any deaf people, i havent met really, only here small city, some of them i have met 're not my type of friends, lazy n heavy drugs, no life!
to the person above me, (lol, pomerian just changed her post) i have mentioned other thread, nowhere to move in, i think would be same, i m alone with my girls in USA, neither my family nor relatives here
The person above me, must be exciting look forward the valentine day..
*psssst* too early sign post for valentine day.. I ain't ready look forward it..
I'm looking forward MINE MINE MINE... scoff... my bday incoming on the way... ain't going tell you when extact.. :P
:"lol: reffered to another person above her, fine, happy birthday to the person above me (i want to say first before them, ccsinned is good eye and posts first havent u noticed )
The person above me is good at sign language and can translate for me what "Eternity" is saying in her picture. The only thing I recognize is her name in the sign.