The Person Above Me Is...

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Person above me likes to make creative avatars of herself :)
I don't take Tums cuz I know how to avoid stress! :D

Does the person above me have arms long enough to reach and help GA? :D
The person above , ain't going give up his breath about Tousi's avatarless..

I PMed Cental last night.

Did the person above me do well in the interview this morning? Not sure what time you have there; it is 8:35am here.
Tousi said:
I PMed Cental last night.

Did the person above me do well in the interview this morning? Not sure what time you have there; it is 8:35am here.

The person above me, curiouis 'bout how's my interview job well....
*psssst* I think I'm hired cuz they asked me application for gov't taxes.. I bet i'm hired.. and wait see find it out w/them few days to see email or phone.. :D
My time is 1142am.. different time aparts from here. :D
What will be the duties of the person above me in her new job? Sell stocks in Tums, Inc? :P
The person above me, so curiouisty 'bout me..
*psssst* hopefully nobody sees me... I take..... TUMS :wave:
Well, the room is empty. Does the person above me want me to be curious about someone else? :thumb:
The nose of the person above me is about 14.75 inches now! :ily:
The person above me, peeving apathrev's avatar... mak'n her feel pity 4 u....
the person above me is Cental, i remember someone is operator relay here couldnt remember whose nickname's, gotcha, Cental, and u re the same person :scatter:

:lol: @GA, actually, i have nothing better to say but i love this thread :o
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