The Person Above Me Is...

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person above me...yea i am into rpg's
OldNavyGirl said:
:-P ur avatar .... christmas is still here?? hehe.... how about putting this one :nana: for your avatar? lol

:rofl: first was cheri now oldnavygirl, rewatch again :D

the person above me's goin to get something to eat.. im so hungry i would sell my grandma for a tic-tac! :lol:
FreeWoman77 said:
:rofl: first was cheri now oldnavygirl, rewatch again :D

the person above me's goin to get something to eat.. im so hungry i would sell my grandma for a tic-tac! :lol:

person above me...i really love her icon so beautiful! and her smile cud put a smile on people's face when they are down.....
the perrson above me has had a bit too muhch to drink. wait thats me. hahahaahaha :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro:
fuck no this is my fucking drink and u arent complementting me thats what this damn fucking god damn mother fucking fucking stupid damn fucking son of a bitch fucking thread is about jack
person above me i am 22....aww we posted it same time lol or u posted it first lol
Three people above me, always racing and trying to get first post than you...
Autumn Tree said:
The person above is frustrated she can't post fast enough :lol:

person above me let me make a hole in ur tree for cute squirrel to live in there :fruit:
The person above can make a hole in my tree, and I'll be delighted to have my own pet squirrel! :fingersx:
The person above, forgot about Seqouis will break your tree and bring his home! HE WILL...
beware of him! LOL
The person is crazy and trying to make ppl laugh to fall off their chair.
The person above warns me to beware Seqouis... :Ohno:

Edit: D'Oh! I'm posting too slow!
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