The Person Above Me Is...

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The person above of me is who I love so dearly :giggle: and hes amazing!
sequoias said:
The person above me can be fast enough for relay service. ;)

No, I don't quite hear well enough to do that. Lol, knew who you meant, tho!
The above person is not the umpteenth person to mention that I am a relay operator.
the person above me is the love of my life.
The person above me is a relay operator. Holy smokes, did you know that?!?!?!
Endymion said:
The person above me is a relay operator. Holy smokes, did you know that?!?!?!

Person above me...the person above you is not a relay operator; he's the one in love with the person above him who, in turn is a relay operator!
Hot dang, got that straightened out!
Tousi said:
Person above me...the person above you is not a relay operator; he's the one in love with the person above him who, in turn is a relay operator!
Hot dang, got that straightened out!

Oops, the person above me has a trigger finger and is the one in love with Apathrev!
The person above me needs an avatar. ;)

(Btw, not you, AJ ... Apathrev.)
Person above me's left in the dust!
True, I do; was telling folks here earlier today that I'm kinda computer-illiterate. What's the person above me's excuse?
the person above me hm... what nice things have i not said about this person


the person above me is hung like king kong
oops, I do now. Person above me gonna hold it against me, a doddering, near-sighted old fool?
Aj and I posted at the same minute so take yer pick, Person Above Me.
the person above me looks sexy in his scooby undies
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