The Person Above Me Is...

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i thank the person above me for the kind words and yes hawaii is a state! it's the 50th state :)
psstt i know but I'm not used to calling it a state! my bad! Ya can call me :crazy: :nana:

The person above me just insulted me!!!! :nana:
^ the person above me is being goofy. :giggle:
The person above me has those yo yo oraments in the avatar. :giggle:
the person above me is hiding a secret! LOL JK

( rebel sorry offtrack here guys it's all good but thr state has been here for 52 yrs now :) )
The person above me is one of the sweetest people you will ever talk to.
^ the person above me wants to grab my butt. :Oops:
The person above me doesn't not want to grab Cheri's but and neither do I.
Are Cheri and Apathrev an item?

Oh, this person above me doesn't want to grab Cheri's butt, so it may not be him?
This person above me (Apathrev), is that a yes or no to my answer? Hugs!!

This person above me, has screen name of my favorite butterfly. My daughter as same screen name as yours online!
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