*The New Guy*


New Member
Apr 22, 2004
Reaction score
Hey everyone, what's up? It's my first time in here...heard about this from a friend.

I'm deaf, been like that since I was born...like most of you people, I'm proud of it. I'm 17 from South Carolina...boring state if you ask me, but I'm originally from Ohio. If you need to know what I look like...just see the picture beside this. I'm here to try to meet some new people and make friends.

Take care and have fun. My AIM is available to anyone who's interested in talking and all.
Sure...I'm looking forward to it. To be honest, I'm just trying to find some nice deaf chicks to meet, around my age for sure.
:wave: SilentNature...

Welcome aboard to AllDeaf and have fun postin'. Enjoy your stay! :thumb:
welcome to AD. enjoy your stay :cool: there's plenty of single woman around ur age ;)
welcome to AD and enjoy your stay...

so I'm from NC I suppose we dont live that far though lol
Thanks, guys...and girls...I just didn't want to thought as a "sexist" :P

I do go to NC often since I live close to Lake Wylie, so I practically live like right on the line between NC and SC. I'll prefer NC if I had to pick either one of the states.
MODS - move this to 'Introductions' section...thanks! :thumb:

Anyway -- welcome to AD and hope you find this site a nice and educational place. :wave:
Welcome! :) I've been to Ohio and... *coughs* its a boring state too :-D Just be glad you don't go to the OSD... (No offense to anyone who goes there)
Welcome you stay on AD.... ENJOY POSTING!!!

*mod* can you move this threat goes to introdcution section please.
Hi silentnature ,

Welcome to AllDeaf....
silentnature said:
Sure...I'm looking forward to it. To be honest, I'm just trying to find some nice deaf chicks to meet, around my age for sure.
yo 16 deaf chick here...i saw ur "thread" and im new here..u sound kool.....hit me up if ya wanna chat :)