The most dangerous job you ever took?


New Member
Jul 9, 2006
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This might be an interesting thread. What was the most dangerous paid job you have ever undertaken?
ASL Films, Legend of the Mountain Man. I ran into bears numerous times and one of them stole my dildo. True story!
Never had a scary job, but my friend took a job as an alligator wrestler when she was in HS. Here is an old pic:

Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

Worked at Target warehouse. You would have to keep eyes peeled for forklifts and machinery.
Paper pusher - paper cuts. Sorry, I lead a boring life. :wave:
My most dangerous job was when I was working on this environmental chemistry project. I had to spend time in a 'clean' lab where you have to suit up, change shoes, and wear mask before handling invisible gaseous mercury. :)
Actually, that reminds me. Most dangerous job for me is when I was a grad student. I worked with hydrochloric acids as well as looked into a microscope for hours at a time. I swear my eyesight was worse after working there for 2.5 years!
I will write about number 1 when I have more time.

2. I used to take jobs as a private process server
3. Katrina.....enough said
4. Recovery Demolition
5. Evictions for a few property owners.

1,3,4 and 5 were all part of one business. 2 was for extra $$$
I suppose my most dangerous was interning at the prison mental health unit.:dunno:
Cutting down big ole dead trees. "Widow makers." :Ohno:
Cutting down big ole dead trees. "Widow makers." :Ohno:

You know, I read somewhere a while back that tree trimming was the 3rd most dangerous job in the U.S. Had a friend get attacked by a nasty racoon while trimming a tree. I'm sure he thinks it the MOST dangerous!
In training to be a graphic artist....using an Xacto knife, Sliced the hell out of my index finger (still have the long scar)...