The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XVII

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Why does it have to be anybody, especially if it is unwanted?
If it must be someone, then it could be someone who has the better approach. I have said all I am going to because, I know you like to drag things out....not gonna happen.

I'll go sign up for Sensitivity Training
Morning run and then off to work I go! Happy Blue Monday everyone!
I hope I made an good impression on the interviewers today. They don't seem put off by my deafness, so that's an encouraging sign.

Here's to hoping, though.
I'll go sign up for Sensitivity Training
There is no need to sign up Sensitivity Training as that is no such thing, however I must admit I am sensitive towards words that I read on AD sometimes. If you or anyone else on AD don't like my posts, please do not cristise it. If you don't like it, don't post, just keep reading. If you seriously want to talk about my post, just take it to PMland, I am not going to make any more ridicolius dramas. I'm going to lurk around on AD, however you won't expect me to post much. :wave:
There is no need to sign up Sensitivity Training as that is no such thing, however I must admit I am sensitive towards words that I read on AD sometimes. If you or anyone else on AD don't like my posts, please do not cristise it. If you don't like it, don't post, just keep reading. If you seriously want to talk about my post, just take it to PMland, I am not going to make any more ridicolius dramas. I'm going to lurk around on AD, however you won't expect me to post much. :wave:

yes there is. Some companies require it if the employee's behavior was inappropriate. My chemistry professor was required to take it after making the chemistry joke about woman.

but then... this applies for you too - if you don't like something in AD, don't post it at all :)
yes there is. Some companies require it if the employee's behavior was inappropriate. My chemistry professor was required to take it after making the chemistry joke about woman.

but then... this applies for you too - if you don't like something in AD, don't post it at all :)
I'll take the training into consideration. thank you.
here -

Woman - A Chemical Analysis

Element : Woman
Symbol : WO
Atomic Weight : Accepted as 59, but known to vary 50-88.
Discoverer : Adam
Occurance : Copious quantities in all Urban areas,
with slighlty lower concentrations in
Suburban and Rural areas. Subject to
seasonal fluctuations.

Physical Properties

1) Surface usually covered with sticks painted film.
2) Boils at nothing, freezes without reason.
3) Melts if given special treatment.
4) Bitter if used incorrectly. Can cause headaches. Handle with care!
5) Found in various states; ranging from virgin metal to common ore.
6) Yields to pressure applied to correct points.
7) Undergoes inpredicatable spontaneous dehydrolyses (weeps).

Chemical Properties :
1) Has great affinity for Gold, Silver, Platinum and many of the Precious
2) Absorbs great quantities of expensive substances.
3) May explode spontaneously if left alone on dates.
4) Insoluble in liquids, but there is increased activity when saturated in
alcohol to a certain point.
5) Repels cheap material. Neutral to common sense.
6) Most powerful money reducing agent known to Man.

Uses : Highly ornamental, especially in sports cars.
Can greatly improve relaxation levels.
Can warm and comfort under some circumstances.
Can cool things down when it's too hot.

Tests : Pure specimen turns rosy pink when discovered
in natural state.
Turns green when placed beside a better

Caution : 1) Highly dangerous except in experienced
hands. Use extreme care when handling.

2) Illegal to possess more than one.
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