Want to know what I am feeling like?
Woke up with pus all over my eye. felt fluids in my eye swishing around..
Awesome eh?
Puked a bit this morning - after coughing hard to relieve myself of sinus infection.
Double awesome right.
Augmentin medication. get it.
Feel better, sinus infections are the worst! I used to get them at least once a month. Did you try one of those sinus cleanse kits?
Sinus Rinse is awesome!! I use it frequently.
He needs to ask his doctor first, since he has an infection.
I always use them when I have an infection. Usually Mucinex and the Sinus rinse and it goes away so much faster! A little facial massage helps well too!
Hugs to everyone!
I took time off to recuperate as my vision, unfortunately, has been worsening. Fear not, I am always looking on the positive side. I have been rewarding myself by going for long walks with hubby during the time off from AD. Hubby and I spent time together with our furkids, Lil'Bit is very therapeutic for me!
I am only able to use the laptop for an hour a day otherwise my good eye just dries up. I will use YouTube, AD and my blog in an hour so this is where I use my time wisely.
I had to close my Facebook out of necessity because I couldn't keep up with the applications. Facebook isn't low-vision friendly.
PM me for my blog link and my YT handlename.
We just boil some cider vinegar and put the pot on the table with our head over it and a towel over the head and let the steam do the job. It usually clears it right up. My grandfather had to have 2-3 treatments with it to work for him.
I spy one AD'er in this film.i just love Marlee Matlin's new reality show on youtube - My Deaf Family
i just love Marlee Matlin's new reality show on youtube - My Deaf Family
YouTube - My Deaf Family "Pilot"
I spy one AD'er in this film.
Just like mine:bbbbbuuuuuuccccckkkkkkeeeeeettttttttttttttt! you should hook a laptop to bigger monitor or your tv... assuming it has ports.
I can imagine straining with all your strength to read whatever's on laptop screen. That's why I always use desktop.