DAMN!! I was so sick since Thursday....never been that SO sick especially I am pregnant! Now I am starting feel better but coughing a lot....had virus also! WTH? Who gave it to me?! I know who gave me the colds, I cannot blame Innocent 1 year old girl that I babysit. So gotta rest today, not go anywhere!
Gee, that could be a big problem. Always wash your hands and face daily and same thing for your kid. The doorknobs are common for the germs. You gotta not cross your line something that you would like to do such as babysitting, use the chemicals for your housework, etc. A powerful antibiotic soap is not going to work. Use the organic soap.
I watched on TV about how clean to your house. After cleaning the kitchen sink with antibiotic soap, it builds up the germs so fast in 24 hours (?). Using the friendly soap does the work very well that eliminate 70 percent of germs.
It is really not good idea to use a portable liquid soap everyday like a tube that you carry it in the car to wipe off your hands. It is really okay to use it (or disinfectant wet towels from a bottle) once a while. If you wash your antibiotic soap everyday and, your immune system gets confused that you are using the soap because your immune is thinking not sure which soap is okay. That's how you get sick. Actually, it is probably that you got sick from a kid. Just don't let this happen to you again right now.
How to kill spreading germs and bacteria - this is probably good information, HOWEVER it does not mention for preggy mothers.
Off topic: Bleach is banned in Canada because it is well known for a cancer.
Perhaps, a UV light wand (blue or purple light) kills the germs - for doorknobs, bed sheets/pillows, etc.
Perhaps, you would try a Steel Neti Pot to eliminate your colds and coughing.
Neti Pot & Neti (Jalneti) I have this one, and I like it.
You could ask Jiro to come over and clean up your house because he had the experience to clean it up every detail using his toothbrush when he was in the army.