The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XI

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hi everyone,

just an update on how i'm doing. i'm still struggling with lots of congestion. I'm so congested that i can't smell anything. :( i've been drinking hot lemonade and honey all day, so that has definitely helped my throat. i'm still coughing and sneezing, but my doctor thinks my symptoms should improve over the next several days.
Yeah it's your arteries clogging up! :lol:

Where is that McDonald's picture when I need it?! ( you know which one I'm talking about Jiro! :lol: )

:naughty: you naughty lil' rascal..... oh wait...... :barf: sorry.... damn food poisoning...
I had a small food posioning from a bad lunch last wednesday but in the end of as today, sick with the bloody cold XD
all this talk about food poisoning reminds me of the time i had it several years ago. i was extremely ill for 3 weeks and so dehydrated that my doctor sent me to the hospital for iv treatment for 2 weeks. i ended up losing 20 pounds as a result of the food poisoning. i have no idea where i got it from, but it was awful and much, much worse than any stomach flu i've ever had. :(
:mad2: you surpassed my post count by like 200. :mad2:
Thanks god it's Friday! :)
si.... si.....
i think "si" is the only word in the spanish language that jiro knows. :giggle:
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