The L Word - Marlee Matlin


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Friday, April 28, 2006

To kick off our first casting news for the next season of The L Word, Showtime announced today that Oscar winner Marlee Matlin has signed on to an 11-episode arc in the fourth season of The L Word. If you want to know more about the character she'll be playing, mouse over the rest of this sentence (I've put it in white text to protect those who want to avoid spoilers):she plays a deaf lesbian artist who takes a shine to Bette.

As a fan of deaf culture--one of my boyfriends in high school was deaf, although I was really more interested in his best deaf (girl) friend, which should have tipped me off then that I was gay, but that's a story for another day--I'm glad to see that The L Word will be giving some visibility to deaf lesbians. And it also gives the rest of us an excuse to brush up on our sign language (how do you say "this show is depressing the hell out of me?" in ASL?).
EyesBlueDeaf said:

Friday, April 28, 2006

To kick off our first casting news for the next season of The L Word, Showtime announced today that Oscar winner Marlee Matlin has signed on to an 11-episode arc in the fourth season of The L Word. If you want to know more about the character she'll be playing, mouse over the rest of this sentence (I've put it in white text to protect those who want to avoid spoilers):she plays a deaf lesbian artist who takes a shine to Bette.

As a fan of deaf culture--one of my boyfriends in high school was deaf, although I was really more interested in his best deaf (girl) friend, which should have tipped me off then that I was gay, but that's a story for another day--I'm glad to see that The L Word will be giving some visibility to deaf lesbians. And it also gives the rest of us an excuse to brush up on our sign language (how do you say "this show is depressing the hell out of me?" in ASL?).

Hey! You're serious, are you? Marlee Matlin will be on this L word casting?! Omg...OMG ! I am such fan of L word but I never thought they will place deaf actor this tv show!!

I always thought they should include Deaf because we have so much Deaf gay/lesbian around the world! AMAZING! I AM GOING LOOK FOWARD TO THAT ! I ALSO HOPE MARLEE WILL JUST SIGN NOT HER MOUTHS!!
EEEEEhhhhhhh........I can't help but feel a little disappointed with this announcement that MM is on one of my most favorite hottest shows....have you seen her work? This is just my opinion only, but I see one-dimensional acting ability out of her...y'know, the whole "I'll sign for a little bit here with my mouth clamped shut, and then at the climax of the moment, I'll scream my head off...." You can totally open up an acting school teaching the MM technique. Sure, people give her accolades for opening up opportunities for other deaf people to get work in the biz, but still I have yet to see a broader spectrum of deaf actors. Hollywood likes casting only well-known actors, and MM is on the top of the token deaf list. It's up to the deaf acting community to jump in and aggressively pursue more acting opportunities. I'd love to see Deanne Bray do more stuff...she has more depth AND she's NICE to people, unlike miss same 'ol MM.

Pyr8Eye said:
EEEEEhhhhhhh........I can't help but feel a little disappointed with this announcement that MM is on one of my most favorite hottest shows....have you seen her work? This is just my opinion only, but I see one-dimensional acting ability out of her...y'know, the whole "I'll sign for a little bit here with my mouth clamped shut, and then at the climax of the moment, I'll scream my head off...." You can totally open up an acting school teaching the MM technique. Sure, people give her accolades for opening up opportunities for other deaf people to get work in the biz, but still I have yet to see a broader spectrum of deaf actors. Hollywood likes casting only well-known actors, and MM is on the top of the token deaf list. It's up to the deaf acting community to jump in and aggressively pursue more acting opportunities. I'd love to see Deanne Bray do more stuff...she has more depth AND she's NICE to people, unlike miss same 'ol MM.

I agree completely with you about MM. She is great/amazing that she has put in Deaf community....but sometimes we need "real" Deaf actors to put our persepctive. I understand this hollywood tends take that the TOP A-list deaf actors to hire than whoever has empowering Deaf take years to beat their perspective because they need include hearing audences but hearing audience always can learn what is the real culture we is important for us to recongize. You know what im saying ? But ONLY is that I'm suprised that they GOT MM for L - WORD CASTING! She will act lesbian thats steamy and hot!! Heh.
I've never seen The L Word Casting News...Has this program been on for long time? What channel is it? I am suprised that MM is willing to act as lesbian since she is married and has a child...I like Deanne Bray the best...she has the sweetest spirit in her...I watch her shows all the time...but as for MM, Im not too crazy about watching any of her movies...her character isnt friendly and more likely stuck up...
The L Word is kinda new, I believe it was first aired in January, 2006.

I haven't really watched that show. So, maybe I will check it out and go back to the local news tonight.
Brian, it's doing its third season this year I believe. :)
Liza said:
Brian, it's doing its third season this year I believe. :)
It will be the 4th season in Jan 2007.

When I found out that MM is playing in L Word. I was like NOOOOOO I DONT WANT HER since I dont like her! Shes so SNOBBING and act like shes a hearing person and focus on her "hearing" world more than deaf world. I dont understand why L Word pick her over Deann Bray. sigh!! We need something different new!! Why not try to have Deanne Bray?
LOLOLOL....I KNOW I'm gonna be rolling and squirming in icky "eeeewww" mode when the show is back on...ELEVEN episodes of MM...I am SO *not* turned on! MM sexy? NO WAY! My head is gonna be scarred with images. And as for those rumors about L word casting...Deanne wasn't up for competition against MM...that's just wishful thinking...but since Camryn Manheim and Alan Cummings are in MM's circle of friends and they have guest appearances on the show, perhaps that had something to do with it.

My other thought is that if we have to accept her infiltrating into our show, I hope pleaseplease at least the script work will be brilliant. No tired references to anything "silent" or that "sign language is beautiful" so-over-it comment or "gee, can you have sex in the dark if you can't hear?" or "oooo...your fingers are so sexy, I want you fingerspelling inside me" !!
I do care about DB but MM ?? I not think she will help in L Word.... or the production will ask her to leave in a year because of rating for L Word would not pretty when she will be in it.

IMO -- okay we will see how it goes for L Word. L Word been on showtime for few years now...
I think the reason why they hire MM because she is wide known in movie industry. Deanna Bray is still new to a lot of people. She may be more famous than MM later on because DB really insight on our Deaf Culture in her show " Sue Thomas FBI eye". Maybe L casting want try with MM first then maybe in 5th or 6th season, they might want replace MM with DB...who knows, what you guys think ??
HippieSnow05 said:
I think the reason why they hire MM because she is wide known in movie industry. Deanna Bray is still new to a lot of people. She may be more famous than MM later on because DB really insight on our Deaf Culture in her show " Sue Thomas FBI eye". Maybe L casting want try with MM first then maybe in 5th or 6th season, they might want replace MM with DB...who knows, what you guys think ??
I like Deanna Bray - I think her show is good to show the abilities of deaf people, but I also like Marlee, what can I say - she was really hot in COaLG.
RedheadGrrl said:
It will be the 4th season in Jan 2007.

When I found out that MM is playing in L Word. I was like NOOOOOO I DONT WANT HER since I dont like her! Shes so SNOBBING and act like shes a hearing person and focus on her "hearing" world more than deaf world. I dont understand why L Word pick her over Deann Bray. sigh!! We need something different new!! Why not try to have Deanne Bray?

I agree with you that I dont like MM either...BUT..I am not suprised if Deanne Bray turns them down because she is a christian. ;) I love Deanne's FBI tv show...I watch it every night! :D
MorriganTait said:
I like Deanna Bray - I think her show is good to show the abilities of deaf people, but I also like Marlee, what can I say - she was really hot in COaLG.

lolol! We could have protest agianst MM to DB LMAO cuz right now we are going to have DPN at Gallaudet right now :lol: :lol: :rofl:
i think that marlee matlin is a great actress! she does a really good job of emoting with her face. also, being a deaf woman myself, i don't think that marlee matlin is trying to identify more with the hearing culture. i hate it when people say that, what's wrong with commnicating with the hearing world? most hearing people don't know ASL! and she's an actress, she's surrounded by hearing people all the time! up until pretty recently deaf actors weren't prevelant i hollywood.

and as for deanne bray being a better actress...there's no doubt that she's a very nice person, but i watched Sue Thomas FB Eye for a long time, in case you haven't noticed, she barely EVER signs! she almost NEVER does, why isn't she the sellout (i don't think she is, but still,marlee signs way more than deanne does)? plus, STFBEye is a stupid show, it's ridiculously cheesy and completely unrealistic. it's cute, but i'd rather watch something more real.

oh and to the people making comments about being surprised that marlee would act as a gay character and deanne not doing the show because she's a christian: marlee is an ACTOR, it's what she does for a living, and deanne bray WAS A GUEST ON THE SHOW IN THREE EPISODES. they're two very kind open-minded people, that's all. and homophobia/ignorance is disgusting.
Just wanna say that I love Marlee Matlin and Deanna Bray - they are awesome in L-WORD!

Especially MM did great job in Dancing with the stars :)
I have always wondered what Deaf people thought of MM doing the L word. I knew some Deaf people did not like MM bc she did act more hearing and such....but adding on this ... idk just something ive wondered
Never seen the L Word but I am a fan of Marlee since I saw her in "What the Bleep? Down the Rabbit Hole."

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