I am a victim of an eerie, eerie crime, ongoing and disturbing. It began during bussing, long ago, when my father dedicated a book to Martin Luther King. I don't like making people as confused as I am. I'm forced to live in my own world.
The injuries are very clear ~ deafness, blind spots, a torn facial nerve, stomach and heart ailments, a poet just blasted away...
...yet police and civil authorities frequently ascribe it to my imagination or mental health problems and I wonder why there isn't a review panel who can address the medical evidence of mistreatment, torture, and dispel the rumors that are started by peers that I did it to myself or imagined it.
I was attacked ferociously and bitterly when I requested an investigation and explanation. I really have been through a war but no one will acknowledge this fact. It's very strange. Existential to a degree.
Absolutely nobody trusts me. Everyone attributes it to mental health problems while denying the factual medical evidence, apparently informed by the secret idea that as a juvenile I smoked pot and therefore deserved what happened.
For the experiment the authorities had set me up as Vector Boy to sell their idea of I suppose they must have been thinking just this once we aren't going to do things by law and they came at me working undercover and they lit my whole world on fire. Real treachery, definitely comparable to arson. I had seizures. I was beaten horrendously as a child. My eyes are partially blinded, my facial nerve is torn, it is an eerie, eerie crime.
Making me deaf was an eerie, weird LOCK OUT and most of the deaf have given me cold comfort. What does it really take to get people doing this to someone to stop?