Yes I am
late deaf, but deaf. Ya know - I used to wish for peace, peace and quiet. I even prayed for it. Now, I have it.
Do I miss or cherish remaining hearing? Overall, not really. The reason I joined the alldeaf forum is because it was aptly named. It is comforting to find others who are at peace with deafness. I am.
Dont like to made to wear my aids or ald. If I was retired, I would retire the aids and ald as well. As it is, I walk into my home and remove any and all devices and chunk them into the dessicant jar. (saving my money for a dry n store)
Bebonang, I was not born deaf, but I really admire your post.
I am who (or what) I am. I accept and often enjoy my deafness. A few years ago I was offered a surgery that would restore some of the hearing in my worst ear. It is a type of prothesis that would replace the small bones that the cholesteatoma destroyed. It was at that time new to my ENT physician and she wanted me to be her first. She seemed mad when I said
no. :roll: I was just so glad to be alive, it took 2 years for me to fully heal after a necessary surgery, who wanted to risk such pain for an elective surgery? That cholesteatoma was into the brain pan. It was the size of a half dollar. What should have been no more than a 2 hr surgery became a 7 hour ordeal.
I accept and embrace my deafness. Happy to be me, happy to be alive, happy to be in all
deaf. Thanks guys.
Oh, and lighten up, yall -as Jillio said - Botts is a hoot. I love her humor and sharp, insightful wit. It reflects her intelligence. (As well as those of us who understand it)