The future plans of Playstation 3...

Damn...if Sony combined the Cell technology PLUS Eye toy, we xboxer's are totally..FUCKED! Seems Sony is so close to defending their territory esp with the Eye Toy thingamagig, M$ better come up with something better than this!
It's because Microsoft is on the gaming market territory and Nintendo and Sony is growling at Microsoft. :giggle:
sablescort said:
Damn...if Sony combined the Cell technology PLUS Eye toy, we xboxer's are totally..FUCKED! Seems Sony is so close to defending their territory esp with the Eye Toy thingamagig, M$ better come up with something better than this!
at least M$ is doing fairly well with Xbox live, they would bring out some digital camera that you can use for video chat on Xbox live sometime.

seems that Sony don't really have any big plans for its online gaming service.