The Forgotten Children


Premium Member
Mar 12, 2003
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The world as ten children

If we could reduce the whole human race to 10 children sitting around a table:

3 would have plates that are heaped so high that they will never possibly finish what is there.

2 will just about manage to live by scavenging what is thrown away from the three.

3 will be permanently hungry

2 will die, one of dysentery and one of pneumonia.

I wonder if God was at this table what would he say? I imagine he would sit with tears in his eyes as he watched his children. He loves each child equally, but his heart would be broken. He would look with compassion on those with no food. He provided enough food for them all. If only they would share it would be so simple, but the three with full plates are more interested in seeing how large they can make their plates. One of them hears a cry from the end of the table. He looks down to see a child, skinny and bony pleading for help. He shakes his head and says:

"That is awful! Somebody should do something".

Worldwide stats for children

28 Million children die from easy curable diseases each year
17 million children die from malnutrition and starvation each year
1/3 of the world population is malnourished
20% of the world has no access to safe water at all
40% have no sanitation
10 million children are involved in the sex industry
100 million children are on the streets
200 million child labourers
1.4 million children under the age of 15 are living with HIV
In Africa theses statistics are much higher, as these include the "rich" countries.

Africa Statistics

19,000 children die daily from easily curable diseases

80 per cent of children under the age of 15 living with HIV are children living in Africa.

It is estimated that children comprise 17% of Africa's labour force. 25% of children between the ages of 10 and 14 are involved in labour. Senegal government estimates between 50 and 100 thousand children are street beggars.

21% of Kenya's children are not attending school.
It is estimated that as many as 130,000 street children exist daily in Nairobi.

There are an estimated 200,000 orphans in Rwanda as a result of the recent civil war.

Of the children that die under age of five:

In Kenya 35% die of aids
In Namibia 48% die of aids
In South Africa 50% die of aids
In Zimbabwe 50% die of aids
In Botswana 64% die of aids

It is time to get angry, time to do something. We can no longer sit back and say "that is awful, somebody should so something". It is our world. It's our responsibility.

Let's make a difference
:jaw: oh dang.. its bad.. !! *sigh*.. so sad that we cant control their minds or life.. u know.. dang.. i just wish they should thinking abt how would child live or feeling before they make more kids.. so think before you do something.. cuz it could end up hurt urself or anyone who you love.. that mean your child? think twice.. in case if ppls want to read this.. dang.. its so sad to see a lot of kids who suffer more then we do.. right? *sigh*
Send condoms. Great plan. :roll: The only way we can save Africa is to stop destroying it. It is the western world that is destroying Africa—not Africans. The reason that millions of Africans are starving to death is because the governments of the African nations have seized all the arable land in their countries in order to grow coffee and tobacco for the European Common Market. The reason that the African forests are being destroyed by logging and mining operations is that they need to extract enough coltan to fuel the Japanese semiconductor industry. It is our own fucking greed that is responsible for the destruction of Africa. If everybody in the United States coughed up 7 cents, it would be enough money to temporarily halt the destruction of the world’s great ape species. Americans throw away enough food in one year to feed the entire population of the world for ten days. The third world countries of the world are the result of our own out of control consumptive resource utilization. We need to evaluate our own behavior if we want to do something to end global suffering.
im appalled at this, and i agree with levoian, as far as im concerned its not abt condoms its how we as american react and behave and not share within the world! Time for us to act! U can bet i will send money to save the children from sarvation! edcuation, food, shelter and most of all, nuturing the children is the best plan of all, time for us to step in and start something i belive if im not wrong there is a place call amensty international that stops these kinds of things. they are the ones that did the song * we are the world* and we back then in the 80s did send money then, what made us stop? why don't we do something maybe ALLDEAF can contriube to this and make it a better place, i dunno where to start and how to start this but i think we should help the 3rd world country rather than talking abt it let's take action for it!
I think we do need to focus on the groundwork and resolve the snags in the carpet first before we are able to help others. It's a tragedy that we all don't know how to take care of ourselves and others.

If we know how to take care of ourselves, then it will make a clear path to help others (better, I might add).

Norway is funneling funds and aid to Africa, and it is very saddening to have heard that the funds and food were being embezzeled in Africa... and the aid workers are being threatened by guerilla soldiers in Africa. That is a scandal here now, and has been for months.
Amnesty International is actually a watchdog group that monitors human right’s abuses throughout the world. They are not actively involved in providing emergency relief to displaced war and famine victims. There are other organizations you should give your money to if this is what you’re interested in. I recently found out though, that not all of these organizations are as legitimate as they appear to be—even the big name ones. I read that some of them only give 1% of all the money they receive to the people they are supposedly helping. The rest goes towards operational costs. I have an Internet friend who works in Uganda, and I’ll be talking to her tomorrow night. I’ll see if I can get more information for you on which organizations are most worthy of giving money to.
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Well said, Levonian!! I wonder how African people are taught to have abstinanee (sp) in order to prevent themselves from getting HIV and STD. What's more people are still suffering from famine and poverty for a long time. I wonder why USA is still feeding Africans food.. What's their return of the favor from Africa? I wonder.
Levonian said:
Amnesty International is actually a watchdog group that monitors human right’s abuses throughout the world. They are not actively involved in providing emergency relief to displaced war and famine victims. There are other organizations you should give your money to if this is what you’re interested in. I recently found out though, that not all of these organizations are as legitimate as they appear to be—even the big name ones. I read that some of them only give 1% of all the money they receive to the people they are supposedly helping. The rest goes towards operational costs. I have an Internet friend who works in Uganda, and I’ll be talking to her tomorrow night. I’ll see if I can get more information for you on which organizations are most worthy of giving money to.
You're right about that. I mentioned this in another thread. This happens a lot with things like Ronald McDonald House, Make-A-Wish Foundation, etc.
Levonian said:
Send condoms. Great plan. :roll: The only way we can save Africa is to stop destroying it. It is the western world that is destroying Africa—not Africans. The reason that millions of Africans are starving to death is because the governments of the African nations have seized all the arable land in their countries in order to grow coffee and tobacco for the European Common Market. The reason that the African forests are being destroyed by logging and mining operations is that they need to extract enough coltan to fuel the Japanese semiconductor industry. It is our own fucking greed that is responsible for the destruction of Africa. If everybody in the United States coughed up 7 cents, it would be enough money to temporarily halt the destruction of the world’s great ape species. Americans throw away enough food in one year to feed the entire population of the world for ten days. The third world countries of the world are the result of our own out of control consumptive resource utilization. We need to evaluate our own behavior if we want to do something to end global suffering.

Actually England is doing most of the damage with their control of 3/4th of diamond mines and they barely pay them shit.......... also let not us forget about South Africa and the Apartheid control over South Africa until 1994
South African oppresion history
Levonian said:
Send condoms. Great plan. :roll: The only way we can save Africa is to stop destroying it. It is the western world that is destroying Africa—not Africans. The reason that millions of Africans are starving to death is because the governments of the African nations have seized all the arable land in their countries in order to grow coffee and tobacco for the European Common Market. The reason that the African forests are being destroyed by logging and mining operations is that they need to extract enough coltan to fuel the Japanese semiconductor industry. It is our own fucking greed that is responsible for the destruction of Africa. If everybody in the United States coughed up 7 cents, it would be enough money to temporarily halt the destruction of the world’s great ape species. Americans throw away enough food in one year to feed the entire population of the world for ten days. The third world countries of the world are the result of our own out of control consumptive resource utilization. We need to evaluate our own behavior if we want to do something to end global suffering.

Well said, Levonian! I totally agree with all what you've said. The country's government should cease being selfish and literally killing thousands by using fertile ground for coffee and tobacco for international sell but neglect vegetables, fruits and other edible food to keep a healthy population...give back the land to the rightful owners and improve the educational system to assist children in having a chance in obtaining an education.
Levonian said:
Send condoms. Great plan. :roll: The only way we can save Africa is to stop destroying it. It is the western world that is destroying Africa—not Africans. The reason that millions of Africans are starving to death is because the governments of the African nations have seized all the arable land in their countries in order to grow coffee and tobacco for the European Common Market. The reason that the African forests are being destroyed by logging and mining operations is that they need to extract enough coltan to fuel the Japanese semiconductor industry. It is our own fucking greed that is responsible for the destruction of Africa. If everybody in the United States coughed up 7 cents, it would be enough money to temporarily halt the destruction of the world’s great ape species. Americans throw away enough food in one year to feed the entire population of the world for ten days. The third world countries of the world are the result of our own out of control consumptive resource utilization. We need to evaluate our own behavior if we want to do something to end global suffering.

also some african cultures do not allow condoms.... but everything else.... :werd:
Cricket said:
also some african cultures do not allow condoms.... but everything else.... :werd:

Yeah but African men should know better than that because not wearing condoms.. Not thinking twice.. just rush and hump quicker. Men are starving for sex drive.. not think twice women can get preggy. I wish Someone who can education them about "wear condoms"
Many women who is single mother and cannot afford to support their child.. due too many children. Mostly Siblings took care tiny baby for MOTHER.. Mother do nothing. Depend others women who is lazy.. not wanted have child and throw out on the street. Stranger woman or men willing take care of this innocent child.
I noticed many childrens are death to starve.. due where can get $$$$$ for support living decent. Mostly peoples who doesn't have A JOB.. where have provide job in poor area ?? NONE OF IT.. mostly border wall to prevent poverty area.
One of my friend who already visited there and said poor thing why other people who living high class not even care about poverty. Geez.. That made me sick!

Poor Gov't really greedy and think other country as such part of states whatever how can I say ?
maybe it's time to cut all Afircan males' ball!
Maybe it should encourage all poor baby when born, need to remove balls.