LOL. Tried that. Doesn't work !!
I ended up taking Cafergot for mine. That is some killer medicine that leaves me loopy, but does away with the migraine. I only use that as a total last resort. Think it's the first time in 3 years I gone that route.
Will knocking you out work?
LOL. Tried that. Doesn't work !!
My insomnia started to get bad almost a year ago. Then my uncle died, and my sister had her stroke.......nothing works.
Im beginning to wonder if there different types of insomnia.
I'd say no. just a different type of severity.
But they are caused by different things:
chemical imbalances
trauma to the head
traumatic events
mental disorders
physical disorders and/or abnormalities
maybe ones diet can contribute to it?
The severity can be linked to the cause as well I believe.
right. Insomnia simply means a difficulty in getting to sleep and it has many causes - what you just listed.
different cause. different severity. same label.
No, cause and severity are two separate things but can be linked if the cause determines the severity.
Cause: noun, verb, caused, caus·ing.
1. a person or thing that acts, happens, or exists in such a way that some specific thing happens as a result; the producer of an effect: You have been the cause of much anxiety. What was the cause of the accident?
Source: Cause | Define Cause at <>
Severity: –noun, plural -ties.
3. intensity or sharpness, as of cold or pain.
Source: Severity | Define Severity at <>
Thesaurus entries:
Main Entry: severity
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: asperity
Synonyms: acerbity, austerity, cruelty, grimness, hardheartedness, hardness, harshness, rigor, sharpness, sternness, strictness, unkindness
Antonyms: kindness, pity, softness
Source: Severity Synonyms, Severity Antonyms |
Main Entry: cause
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: agent, originator
Synonyms: account, agency, aim, antecedent, author, basis, beginning, causation, consideration, creator, determinant, doer, element, end, explanation, foundation, genesis, ground, grounds, incitement, inducement, instigation, leaven, mainspring, maker, matter, motivation, motive, object, occasion, origin, prime mover, principle, producer, purpose, root, source, spring, stimulation
Antonyms: consequence, development, effect, end, fruit, issue, outcome, outgrowth, product, result
Source: Cause Synonyms, Cause Antonyms | <>
Sorry but the two are not the same meaning, thus cannot have the same label.
how about ambien?
best to go with medical context, not dictionary.
cause - there are many causes that can cause insomnia. Could be side effect from any medication or anxiety or stress or pain or ......
severity - everybody's got different level of severity. generally - the term is usually "mild", "chronic", "transient", and "acute".
so based on cause of insomnia, the severity can vary among people.
how about ambien?
Melatonin, Unisom, Nyquil. If you take enough you sleep.
What's funny is if you go to a sleep clinic the first thing they recommend is sudafed. I was like; "but I don't have a cold."
Sudafed never worked, Nyquil kept me clear as I lay there awake, unisom didn't put me to sleep but it did make me extremely drowsy and light headed. Melatonin works once or twice but then my body says "nah, that's enough" then it won't have any affect for a few months. In the mean time, between melatonin I have to take seconal or nembutal, pretty much anything with barbiturates in them. Of course this requires a visit to your doctor who forces you to go through hours and hours of sleep clinics before they give up and drug you. I've been to 2 sleep clinics and just signed up for a insomniac study as the university of berkeley, but haven't heard back from them yet. I try not to med myself to sleep but every once in a while I need to to prevent that bathroom incident I mentioned in an earlier post from reoccurring.
I usually am taking enough stuff to kill a horse for sleeping. It's a problem I have had for many years and I just can't stand to stay awake all night.