The Dreaded Empirical Data

Isn't there any course you can take online for Linquistics or Language Acquisition? Sometime I can be very interested in those fields. As I said before on the ohter posting, I love learn new things.

I am sure there are...I can ask around. My friend in Ohio got her master's in language acquisition/linguistics and she told me that most of her courses were online.
Isn't there any course you can take online for Linquistics or Language Acquisition? Sometime I can be very interested in those fields. As I said before on the ohter posting, I love learn new things.

As far as language acquisition, the best sources are courses that are focused on cognitive psychology as applied to childhood development. For a study of linguistics, before I did an online course, I'd read the works of William Stokoe. You can also check the library for books on the subject of linguistic anthroplogy.