The coolest origami with dollar bills you will see today


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Nov 7, 2005
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Origami with dollars (19 pics) (//STATiC)

I thought it was really neat and very creative. I've seen origamis with papers and other stuffs but not when it comes to dollar bills. Anyway, Enjoy those pictures. ;)
I do that from time to time with my money when leaving tips at restaurants. The shapes I usually leave are the shirt, bowtie, and box. ;)
sound fun make from a money lol .. I should try it but probably I am no good at it lol :lol:
I do that from time to time with my money when leaving tips at restaurants. The shapes I usually leave are the shirt, bowtie, and box. ;)

give shirt to waitress at Hooters. she usually love it.
What a FAR OUT! I would want to learn how to do it and Vampy gave me a great idea...leaving a tip! Make her/him a smile with cool creative Origami! :)
Wow, that is so cool. That an neat idea.
Awesome... I remembered when I was in deaf school.. some guy gave me 20 dollar into a ring...on top of ring it is 20...I tried to do it few times.. I failed...