The Big Day is Almost Here!


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Dec 28, 2010
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For all you geneaology buffs and those interested in your family history... April 2, 2012 the 1940 census will finally be available. Not only that, but you don't need a subscription from to view it. The digital images will be made available for free to all...
For all you geneaology buffs and those interested in your family history... April 2, 2012 the 1940 census will finally be available. Not only that, but you don't need a subscription from to view it. The digital images will be made available for free to all...

Why hasn't it been available before this?
Why hasn't it been available before this?

There is a law that requires census information to be kept private (beyond demographics and such) for 70 years. So, in 10 years we will be able to view the 1950 census.
There is a law that requires census information to be kept private (beyond demographics and such) for 70 years. So, in 10 years we will be able to view the 1950 census.

Really? I thought they released the numbers within a short time after each census year?
Really? I thought they released the numbers within a short time after each census year?

The demographics/numbers/statistics get released. You just don't have access to individual family information like name, occupation, children, wealth etc.
Correction: The wait is 72 years for the information to be released.
If family members want to know what the information on family members in the past, best way is to xerox copy them and save it for records so that next generation or two can read it without having to wait! I should have thought of that and I will wait in 8 years to make copies. There, that is all to it!
If family members want to know what the information on family members in the past, best way is to xerox copy them and save it for records so that next generation or two can read it without having to wait! I should have thought of that and I will wait in 8 years to make copies. There, that is all to it!

Perhaps, but information from 10-20 years ago is usually easy to come by with people recalling their "recent" history. The stories from 50,60,70 years ago often are "lost" or brushed under the rug. Although your idea is a good one, it's only great if the family holds on to it for decades.