Unfortunately this involves a child but the doctor I have met and he's top notch!!
this is another classic propaganda hit piece.
the usual by the number sin this one..
this is about mason, a child who is inflicted with the assimilation machine as a toddler..the vid quickly uses the standard phonocentric ableist discourse starting with..
masons mother
masons mother" said:
"mason was diagnosed with severe hearing loss in both ears"
this sets the framework and subsequent ideological construct to justify implantation
opens with mason playing with his mother who is sitting and his father standing...
masons mother" said:
"we knew something was wrong"
Nothing is WRONG with being Deaf!!! words matter and their meaning important.
masons mother said:
"we didnt know how severe he was he was months behind in his ability to communicate"
this again betrays a lack of knowledge and a bigotry, mason has always had the ability to communicate as every human being does at his age, mason was signing naturally as all humans do who are Deaf at that age, its only his parents BIAS that has denied him that, and further they porb were signing with him before the professionals as they do had them stop.. .he indeed was months behind in his ability to communicate, as he should have had access to SIGn as is his BIRTHRIGHT.
instead he was violated, and drilled into, all for the sake of what?
just to move your beak ever so right..
cut away to surgery room and the procedure, initiates and robed priests to salvation are working on mason to assimilate him..with some close ups of the fetish technology used int he process. with extreme close ups of robe glad technology wearing high priests (doctors) bathed in blue and bright light
masons mother" said:
mason went through sophisticated testing, by experts at cleveland clinic determined he was an excellent candidate for CI"
here we have language used to set authority, words such as "sophisticated testing" in what way an dhow is the testing done on mason any more sophisticated then the standard tests in the medical field used on others? then you have "experts" which isn't even a proper medical qualification last time i checked
an interview with an auditory verbal therapist a profession dedicated to making Deaf lives extremely miserable and denying us our language..
then cut to surgery in progress...then more close ups on the fetish technology then a cut away to masons dad..then the standard cut to close up of the violated child with drilled technology implanted in to his skull..then a scene where the salvation is granted as the technology of normalization and assimilation is turned on, the money shot so to sign
ending with dialogue of
creepo dotor" said:
the usual hype and push