I hear you and I agree but my point was: People eagerly looking forward right now, as they live and breath here right now, to be looking forward to perfection in the afterlife are indicating being deaf isn't cool, no?
I mean, I personally couldn't care less one way or the other but there are many who say they are proud of being deaf....yanno?
Yup, understand where you are coming from!
But I don't believe most of those who are deaf (or any other disability)- are looking at it that way.
Most, I believe - have accepted the notion that they will never - <insert disability/disabilities> here, here.
And if they are Christian - that adds a better outlook! Because as a Christian - they definitly know the Ultimate Promise of God, and look forward to it.
We know that; 1) Life is short - and we are only here for a little while, and rejoice in all things - yes, even our disabilities! Because we know that there is a much better place awaiting us! 2) God calls us to live in the Spirit, and live moment to moment, as if our next moment will be our last here on Earth! Which, like #1 above, we are to except the blessings of God, and our lot in life - and not get all wordly, ie; worry, strife, self-pity, denial, etc.
And even if they aren't Christian - there are those who could really give a rats patutie - whether its cool, or not. They go on and live their life to the fullest of their abilities -
not disabilities, and don't get wrapped up into what someone does/doesn't think abou them. Or even - whether its cool or not. Because they are of the attitude, that it really doesn't matter. The only thing that really matters to them - is just getting along and doing the best that they can - with what they got!
And I really truly believe - that those who call themselves -
"Christian", and yet go about thru life, believeing that their disabilities aren't cool - as you put it, are in for a rude awakening when they get to Christ's throne!
Which is rather sad, but true.
Are we (close to being) eye to eye now?