That's Not a Bluetooth Headset

Jeez... the things people will do to get other things.

They're stealing gas... copper pipes... and now CIs? :roll:

Once some thief stole an USA flag off my friend's truck. This was just after 9/11 and everyone drove around with their flags on cars and trucks. We had a good laugh about it though we both thought it was a low thing to do to show that you're loyal to America.
My mom just told me about this..I'm so pissed. I'm in the dayton,Ohio area. And hopefully it won't happen to me. My mom said if that ever happens to me or to ANYBODY who has a CI, we should let them take it and we'll replace it or something. It makes me want to punch them in the face and their groin until they get the picture. I'm sooo mad about this.
I saw that on my local news , how low life to steal the CI from a little. Its looks nothing like a bluetooth.

I know right!! I seen bluetooths before. And its nothing like the cochlear implant. Because the cochlear implant is sticked to our heads from the implants. The CI is bigger than the blue tooth. they just stick it in their ear and its kinda like a wireless ear phone to your cellphone i think. Omg these robbers are so stupid. they should be able to know the difference of a CI and a blue tooth.. god...i still want to kick their ass. you do not want to mess with me if someone else calls me out.
I think it's frightening that thieves steal anything off a 3-year-old, no matter what they think it is. :( Poor kid!
Oooh that sucks. :-( I bet afterwards the thieves would try to use it afterwards, "WTF? This is not a Bluetooth!" Then just ditch it. It sucks these days. My car was broken into las Aug, and a $500 GPS was yeah, I learned my expensive lesson.

As for the author's statement, "Her hopes for her first U.S.-born child shattered when she learned he was deaf."

I absolutely *HATE* that line! Why do they think deaf children have to have pity like this? That just totally ticks me off. It's like, "Awwww....the child is deaf...he/she can't function in the world unless we fix it."
The lengths that thieves will go to, to steal precious items are mind-boggling! :(
I saw this on CNN the other day. Hopefully with this being on national news more people will be aware of this -- both the thieves although I don't know how many thieves watch CNN !! -- and also other people seeing someone trying to steal this may step in to help.
I read this in the LA times when I was in California this past month... I wanted to post it up here when I got back but you beat me to it! In southern California at the end of June the signs all along the freeways said "Hands-free phone; July 1st; It's the law" and then bam right at the start of July people are snatching CI's off of people's heads?