That's it! Im moving to Aussieland! Terrorism hits close to home for me.....


Farting Snowflakes
Premium Member
Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
I opened my Firefox browser and saw this on my homepage: :eek:

And I'm serious when terrorism hits this close to home, it makes me want to move to place with a very low occurrence of terrorism. Of course being American means you have a target on your back when you go overseas.....

I don't live near West Memphis but still this is something you don't expect in Arkansas.
Yea, it happens everywhere and even in people's own backyard. Some of ADers don't believe that it will happen like the one I created a thread about Cheney who gave a warnin' about terrorism. :cool:

Hope all is well with you when you move. :hug:
Are you for real - moving to Australia, or was it your panic talk?
I am sure that there are terrorists in Australia as well.
This is something one don't expect to happen in a suburb like West Memphis (a suburb of Memphis). This must be done by someone locally, possibly someone the doctor knew?
It seems more likely a personal vendetta than terrorism.

yes correct. this is not at all a terrorist attack but Bush Administration has greatly distorted the reality. This is an ISOLATED event and this is NOT a terrorist attack. This is just some sick attempt to murder him. Like what shadow said - a violent personal vendetta.
I opened my Firefox browser and saw this on my homepage: :eek:

And I'm serious when terrorism hits this close to home, it makes me want to move to place with a very low occurrence of terrorism. Of course being American means you have a target on your back when you go overseas.....

I don't live near West Memphis but still this is something you don't expect in Arkansas.

you shouldn't worry though. I live next to NYC and WTC has been hit twice... few planes suck into Hudson River... You don't see me packing up for Aussieland, don't ya? :cool2:

It was panic talk but still I have a little girl to protect, if that means moving out to keep her safe, then so be it.

But the reality is that I have no means to move to Australia, let alone into an apartment in town, lol.

Besides Jiro, I am the biggest wimp of alldeaf!
that dude WAS the terrorist. This one is not. just a hit job.

I do still think it is a terrorist. Put a bomb in car, and blown it up is a terrorist, because someone want it to happen to fear others.
Don't let terrorists scare you from living the kind of life you want to live in USA. You could die in a car accident tomorrow or get squashed by Godzilla tonight. The more power you give this, the more control this will have over you. That's what the terrorists want. I was in DC when 9-11 and the Pentagon attack occurred, and it didn't scare me from moving out of DC. Nobody will bully me into being scared of being at home.
Don't let terrorists scare you from living the kind of life you want to live in USA. You could die in a car accident tomorrow or get squashed by Godzilla tonight. The more power you give this, the more control this will have over you. That's what the terrorists want. I was in DC when 9-11 and the Pentagon attack occurred, and it didn't scare me from moving out of DC. Nobody will bully me into being scared of being at home.

I was in DC on that day mom wanted me to move back to AZ but I told her that I refuse to run away each time something bad happens. Hope u feel better soon, Dixie...scary things happen daily..shootings, home invasions, car accidents, murders, kidnappings and etc...cant live in fear or life wouldnt be worth living.

I do still think it is a terrorist. Put a bomb in car, and blown it up is a terrorist, because someone want it to happen to fear others.

Nope! It was a hit job.

I feel someone had a grudge on the Dr. Maybe a patient.

Just because it was a bomb, does not mean it was a terrorist.
I feel better and don't really live in fear, but the thought of a car bombing in Arkansas is completely unheard of. In Iraq, Afghanistan, Isreal yes it is daily occurence there, but in West Memphis, AR? Unthinkable!
Don't let terrorists scare you from living the kind of life you want to live in USA. You could die in a car accident tomorrow or get squashed by Godzilla tonight. The more power you give this, the more control this will have over you. That's what the terrorists want. I was in DC when 9-11 and the Pentagon attack occurred, and it didn't scare me from moving out of DC. Nobody will bully me into being scared of being at home.

I was in DC on that day mom wanted me to move back to AZ but I told her that I refuse to run away each time something bad happens. Hope u feel better soon, Dixie...scary things happen daily..shootings, home invasions, car accidents, murders, kidnappings and etc...cant live in fear or life wouldnt be worth living.


PM me your address so I can mail you free Jiro's Special Patriotic Sunglasses :cool2:
I do still think it is a terrorist. Put a bomb in car, and blown it up is a terrorist, because someone want it to happen to fear others.

:hmm: I suppose you could say that but what about other mob/gang hit? Are they terrorists too?
Nope! It was a hit job.

I feel someone had a grudge on the Dr. Maybe a patient.

Just because it was a bomb, does not mean it was a terrorist.

Precisely. A terrorist would have a target that would kill and maim many, not just one.