That is extremely SAD ! State of Florida Gov would NOT let her die


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May 20, 2003
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She wanted to die few months ago but the gov preferred to keep her alive with tube food and water. She has been suffering for a long time. Her husband has another woman and has a child from her.

I would rather die than suffer many months !! :cry: I had seen how bad battle with my Mom's cancer survive for four years !! She did not deserve it. Of course, it broke my heart when she told me to decide to stop taking the chomotheraphy. I let her go...

she always in my heart !
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it should be the woman's right but not the gov's right hes just looking for money RME at him!
I agree. I appreciate the gesture of trying to let her live but if she wants to die, let her die. You can't sit around trying to make her live.
javapride said:
it should be the woman's right but not the gov's right hes just looking for money RME at him!

Well, it was the parents who wanted to save Terri's life -- as far as I am aware of..she's in a vegetable state and cannot speak for herself. Both her parents and her husband have been locking horns over whether to keep Terri alive or not.

It's a really sticky type of situation. If the strickened person was in extreme pain and terminal -- THEN I believe the person should be allowed to die with dignity. But if it's not a terminal disease...there could be a chance to save the person and improve their lives and so forth.

This is something of a controversy, really.
Hi folks!

That is why I always firmly believe no government should interfere persons' decisions and lives by making decisions to tell them what to do.

That is a classic example of Jeb Bush's decision's action.
KingCobra said:
Hi folks!

That is why I always firmly believe no government should interfere persons' decisions and lives by making decisions to tell them what to do.

That is a classic example of Jeb Bush's decision's action.

Yes Exactly !! KingCobra It is our bodies which we make on our own decision. Would the Governor tell to the cancerous people to continue to using the chemotheraphy ?? NO !! The cancer people preferred to stop to take the chemotheraphy. It makes you extremely sick and burn as hell in your body system.

You could not even get up from the bed or walk. Chemotheraphy took alot of your engergetic and voimt, etc... Oh Dear.. I never forgot what My mom went through with the chemotheraphy for four years !!

I remember, I was very sick with flu for ten days. I was not bearly stand up or walk around or do the chore around the house, etc.. I was tearing my eyes to think about my Mom alot. Now, I understand what she went through really hell.

I wish, the goverment respect us because we are human being !
Sabrina said:
Yes Exactly !! KingCobra It is our bodies which we make on our own decision. Would the Governor tell to the cancerous people to continue to using the chemotheraphy ?? NO !! The cancer people preferred to stop to take the chemotheraphy. It makes you extremely sick and burn as hell in your body system.

You could not even get up from the bed or walk. Chemotheraphy took alot of your engergetic and voimt, etc... Oh Dear.. I never forgot what My mom went through with the chemotheraphy for four years !!

I remember, I was very sick with flu for ten days. I was not bearly stand up or walk around or do the chore around the house, etc.. I was tearing my eyes to think about my Mom alot. Now, I understand what she went through really hell.

I wish, the goverment respect us because we are human being !

First of all...just letting you know that I'm not trying to defend Jeb Bush and his Governor of Florida job -- has everyone forgotten who rallied around Terri and pushed/protested to Bush and legislation about saving Terri's life? Terri's family (minus her husband and his supporters) and friends. They were the ones who encouraged the public to appeal to Bush to overturn the court case that was for removing the feeding tube.
What Bush did was hear the family plead with his office to help them save Terri.

I understand your point of view of not wanting the LAW to intervene, but the law wanted to intevene due to the family's wishes to keep Terri alive as they believe that Terri has a good chance to recover from the condition she's currently in.
From what I've read about Terri and her plight -it does seem like she's a total vegetable, but there's been snatches of 'life' in her whenever her parents visited her and so forth. So from that, Terri's family believes that there's a chance Terri can improve and recover from the plight she's currently in.

It's a sad thing happening today. It would be nice if the hospital would do everything in their power to allievate Terri's 'pain' and help her find the way out of it and be at peace.

When my father was in his last few weeks of life, he wanted to sleep when he died because he didn't want to feel the pain of the cancer eating up inside him...when he put in that request -- the doctor complied his wishes and had a pallative care nurse come out to our place to give Dad a combination of sedatives and painkillers. The first night, it didn't work because he woke up in the middle of the night, really angry and asking what went wrong. Nurse came back and gave him another combo and this time it worked...he slept for one solid day before he left us spiritually. At least, he left earth without waking up. I just hope that there wasn't much pain upon his leaving his body.


that what it says.. so her parents ask the goverment STOP the husband's rights.. she cant talk she cant write.. still vegatable state.. how the hell she want to die..

Let me tell u a story....

My best friend Bobbie got into the car accident in April 16, 2001 as it is 2 weeks before prom. She was so excited about going to prom and she already brought the dress and everything else expect we was supposed to go shopping for the fancy high heel shoes the following weekend. She was only 16 and a sophmore. I was a junior back then and 17 years old going on to 18 years old. Anyways, she was in really bad shape and was taken to the Chicago Hospital and she was in a coma for a month. She had to have a lot of surgeries like the pelvis, ankles and brain. She have some brain damage and she is parazyled so she is in a wheelchair is and in a vegetable state.

Her dad was careless and caused the accident. Bobbie had a bad life at home because her dad treated her like a slave so after school she wouldnt be allowed to go out that much, she would go to work and then come home to cook dinner plus then she would have to clean the house and pay the bills. She stays up late to finish homework and do it lal over again... she rarely get that much of a sleep. It brekas my heart alot. Now that she can't do it all after the accident... my friend Amanda told me she went into the house and she almost gagged because NOTHING in the house was clean and it was just careless. Her dad, step mother and her own mother doesn't love her nor want her. They don't really take care of her so Bobbie sits or lays all day doing nothing and she doesn't know it herself. She have like 15 dogs in the house and she got 2 brothers and 2 sisters but none of them help clean the house or anything and the parents are just as lazy.
They do have jobs but that's about it.

Bobbie goes to a special education school which she likes going to alot. But she still is in a state of vegetable and it upsets me. I really think she should be put in a better home with a better family or be in a nursing home where she can get proper care.

I haven't got a chance to see her yet but when I do, I usually stops by the special school to visit her for a couple of hours.

I am so sorry for the long story.. thought you guys would want to read it and tell me about the comments.
If I am in vegetable condition and have no chance of recovery, I prefer to die, period. Why waste money to keep me alive even though I can't communicate, feed, write, or talk at all.

If a relative has similiar situation, I rather let him or her go instead of getting high hope of chance of his/her recovery.

I know it is very sticky situation for Terri's husband and her parents. They are still tugging in war over Terri's welfare and care. My heart goes to Terri. :cry:
WildKaTReSS said:
Let me tell u a story....

My best friend Bobbie got into the car accident in April 16, 2001 as it is 2 weeks before prom. She was so excited about going to prom and she already brought the dress and everything else expect we was supposed to go shopping for the fancy high heel shoes the following weekend. She was only 16 and a sophmore. I was a junior back then and 17 years old going on to 18 years old. Anyways, she was in really bad shape and was taken to the Chicago Hospital and she was in a coma for a month. She had to have a lot of surgeries like the pelvis, ankles and brain. She have some brain damage and she is parazyled so she is in a wheelchair is and in a vegetable state.

Her dad was careless and caused the accident. Bobbie had a bad life at home because her dad treated her like a slave so after school she wouldnt be allowed to go out that much, she would go to work and then come home to cook dinner plus then she would have to clean the house and pay the bills. She stays up late to finish homework and do it lal over again... she rarely get that much of a sleep. It brekas my heart alot. Now that she can't do it all after the accident... my friend Amanda told me she went into the house and she almost gagged because NOTHING in the house was clean and it was just careless. Her dad, step mother and her own mother doesn't love her nor want her. They don't really take care of her so Bobbie sits or lays all day doing nothing and she doesn't know it herself. She have like 15 dogs in the house and she got 2 brothers and 2 sisters but none of them help clean the house or anything and the parents are just as lazy.
They do have jobs but that's about it.

Bobbie goes to a special education school which she likes going to alot. But she still is in a state of vegetable and it upsets me. I really think she should be put in a better home with a better family or be in a nursing home where she can get proper care.

I haven't got a chance to see her yet but when I do, I usually stops by the special school to visit her for a couple of hours.

I am so sorry for the long story.. thought you guys would want to read it and tell me about the comments.

Wow it is very touchy story !! It reminds of my older son's three friends died last year. It was very emotional for my son. He went to see psychologist to recovery himself. Two senior girls had a bad car accident. One girl died. The driver was survive within two months. She had bad plevis, hip and leg broke. She was on wheelchair for six months.

One senior boy into a car accident went through the window. We went to his funeral. It was very emotional for my son. I gave him alot of support.

Another Junior boy was hung up himself in bedroom when his parents went to work. That year was very bad for my son.

Teenager kids sometime reckless. Important, we need to be there for them. The communication is the key !!
Sabrina said:
Wow it is very touchy story !! It reminds of my older son's three friends died last year. It was very emotional for my son. He went to see psychologist to recovery himself. Two senior girls had a bad car accident. One girl died. The driver was survive within two months. She had bad plevis, hip and leg broke. She was on wheelchair for six months.

One senior boy into a car accident went through the window. We went to his funeral. It was very emotional for my son. I gave him alot of support.

Another Junior boy was hung up himself in bedroom when his parents went to work. That year was very bad for my son.

Teenager kids sometime reckless. Important, we need to be there for them. The communication is the key !!

Hi Sabrina...I wonder and I plan on googling some information to see if there's such services that emphasies a lot on prevention of youth suicide in USA, do they? Here in Australia, there's a nationwide youth suicide prevention services at this site: and another:

Those two focus and really work hard on preventing youth suicides nationwide in Australia. It's advertised on TV for kids who are troubled or feeling depressed and needing someone/somewhere to call or go to for help if they're suicidal.
From what I have heard Terri is only on feeding tube no respirator or anything so when they took out the feeding tube they were starving her to me that causes her to suffer worse.
Soonersfan79 said:
From what I have heard Terri is only on feeding tube no respirator or anything so when they took out the feeding tube they were starving her to me that causes her to suffer worse.
Which would you rather her do... suffer for the rest her life or have her suffer worse for 10 days, which she will die then...?
VamPyroX said:
Which would you rather her do... suffer for the rest her life or have her suffer worse for 10 days, which she will die then...?

She is only in a Vegative state and is not suffering. Also she never signed a "DNR"
it make me so mad at goverment and the goverment are bullshittty (forgive me for a bad words ) ......

I am so angry with terri s husband affair another woman and has one child.... someday he will be sorry what he did to his own wife......

I feel bad for terri but i see terri kept fighter to get back normal health but it is hard to become normal but it is not easy at all

i never disliked mr. jeb bush. he has no right to say something about terri .... he should back off with terri and their family.....

it remind of my grandmother who is very closer to me when i grew up with her .... she has lung cancer..... she tried to fight but it already fail her health and become more more worse..... she told my grandfather that stop to go chemotherpy and it is not worth for go attend in chemo..... and waste money for keep her alive..... i bought a gold heart necklace with me and my daughter s picture on it ..... i drove to see my grandmother and she is laying on her bed ... i gave a necklace to her ... she said " oh oh oh dearly kristy, kristy is my only girl and granddaughters... she hold my necklace... i left her and i cried when i drove all the way home from my grandmother s house .... just next day, she died...... my grandfather asked me he dont know what do with the necklace? i have hard time to decided which i take them back or leave the necklace on her ? my mom said just take it and put away in my safe box and dont look at necklace because when i see the necklace and i am very soft senetive feeling and real easy cry when i have a beautiful memories of my danish grandmother .... i cant help it ! she is more than best friends.....
If she wants to die, let her die. If the husband wants to let her die, let her die. If I was in failing health with constant suffering, I'd want to die as well. Bush should not have interfered with anything.
When my father was in his last few weeks of life, he wanted to sleep when he died because he didn't want to feel the pain of the cancer eating up inside him...when he put in that request -- the doctor complied his wishes and had a pallative care nurse come out to our place to give Dad a combination of sedatives and painkillers. The first night, it didn't work because he woke up in the middle of the night, really angry and asking what went wrong. Nurse came back and gave him another combo and this time it worked...he slept for one solid day before he left us spiritually. At least, he left earth without waking up. I just hope that there wasn't much pain upon his leaving his body.

That what my Uncle did this last week. He could not take any more suffer for two years with cancerous. It broke my Dad's heart. The funeral was beautiful last week because he was hero in World War II.

My uncle's wife told me that he took very strong mg of painkiller medicate to help him calm down. He was peaceful at 2 am in the morning to be with my Grandparents in the heaven.