Originally Posted by LuciaDisturbed View Post
...I think they should just make all 911 calls free to start with, and if a 911 call is found to be abused/false, then they can just go ahead and fine that person. Simple. Don't punish all of us just because some ignorant people chose to abuse the system for fun and laughs.
And to make up for the wasted money from frequent 911 calls, they can cite that person who abused the system with a very hefty fine, like say about $1,000 per false 911 call instead of just a $55 fine, since I think kids and young adults who abuse the system will feel that $55 is just a mere slap on the wrist cause the kids' parents will end up paying for it or the young adults will have jobs already that allows them to be able to afford the $55 fine. They need to really feel the pinch in order to think twice before making another false 911 call ever again.
Young adults' reasonings could be:
$55 = "HAHA, so what? I have a job, I can pay for it, ain't no big deal!"
$1,000 = "oh my god, $1,000? :jaw: How will I ever pay for it? I have rent to pay, student loans to pay off, bills to pay off, and now I can't buy that computer I wanted! Oh man, I wish I had never made that false 911 call, I'll never do it ever again!"
Kids' reasonings:
$55 = "Oh well, my parents have jobs (if their parents do have jobs), they can pay for it. *shrugs* "
$1,000 = " :jaw: Oh no. My parents are going to get so mad at me, they are going to hate me, and they will take away my TV/cell phone/computer/XBOX 360/other expensive cherished possessions and they will ground me for the rest of my life and I swear I will never do it ever again, and I'll have to get odd jobs to help pay the $1,000 back to my parents."
And all persons who have made false 911 calls or have abused the 911 system should also be ordered to make a public apology on the news, and then be forced to walk around busy neighborhoods (with more people shopping and whatnot) wearing a sign on her/his front and back that says "I've been wasting the city's money by abusing the 911 system for my own amusement because I do not care about other people's true emergencies". He or she needs to receive humiliating attention in order to learn that people who have legitimate reasons to use the 911 system will frown upon those who abuse the system for their own amusement and to learn that the person has wasted the city's money by abusing the 911 system, and it will also make a good example and show and teach others that this is what will happen if you abuse the 911 system, so that others will think twice before making a false call. You all may think that this is too harsh and too humiliating, but too bad. If we did this to every single person who has made a false 911 call or abused the 911 system in any way, then after about a year or so of this, the unnecessary calls to 911 would greatly reduce and free up a lot of operators and lines for those who do have true emergencies, thus saving a lot of money and time and making more dispatchers available to answer the 911 calls and send out an ambulance, police, firefighters, or other help out right away to those who do have a true emergency. More lives would be saved, also.
I also said that the fine should be $1,000 instead of a lower fine because that is about the cost of an ambulance or higher depending on where you are...I am not sure how much exactly it costs to have an ambulance take you to the hospital, but I believe it is around $1,300? I collapsed in the supermarket once in 2001 in Minnesota from a large ovary cyst that ruptured and they had to call 911, an ambulance came to get me, and I got a bill in the mail for about $1,300

for the ambulance ride to the hospital which Medicaid and Medicare thankfully were able to pay - I was billed because I didn't give the EMTs my insurance information as I was in pain and the EMTs were too busy taking care of me to ask me about my insurance (putting an IV in me, etc) - when I got the bill in the mail I called Medicaid and Medicare and they took care of it immediately. I know that if you refuse an ambulance when they come to get you, you don't get billed for it, at least not in Minnesota, but when you do accept the help and the ride to the hospital, you would get billed for at least $1,000 or higher, so that is how much a person who abused the 911 system should be fined, to learn that it is at least how much it costs to respond to an emergency, evaluate the emergency, and then to transport a true emergency patient to the hospital. I actually think the total would be closer to about $1,500 or even $2,000. If the total is actually closer to $2,000, then the person should be fined that much instead of $1,000. I'm sure the cost of an ambulance ride has gone up since 2001, anyhow. My bill for $1,300 was from 2001, and I have not had another serious emergency like this since then and have not needed an ambulance ride since then, so I do not really know the exact cost. But it most definitely should be a VERY hefty fine that will make the 911 system abusers feel the pinch and pain of the bill and make them think twice the next time they want to abuse the 911 system again.
Just my own harsh opinion, just because I have no empathy for those who abuse the 911 system and tie up the 911 operators/dispatchers making them unavailable to answer the calls from people who have true emergencies, thus possibly causing loss of lives and worse injuries or worse situations such as completely losing your home to a fire because the call did not go through right away, so firefighters weren't dispatched in time to respond to a fire quickly enough to save most of the home so that the part of it can be rebuilt or whatever. In a nutshell, making true emergencies even worse because the operators aren't available to take calls from those with true emergencies right away. I used to hear the phrase "every second counts". The 911 system abusers are wasting those every valuable seconds.