While some say it’s the responsibility of the driver to be cautious, it’s like asking a Drunk to be careful behind the wheel and handing them the keys to the car. Case in point; it is why the laws were passed on Intoxicated Driving, because the government has to babysit the smattering few humans that do not think about the consequences of such not-so-bright thinking.
The fellows behind the wheels, who have their eyes on their tiny phone screens, and a hand on the buttons to 'text' back the person they are speaking to, have no regards to the oncoming traffic, or those in vehicles before, or behind them.
I almost came close to being rear-ended today on the way to an appointment because the not-so-bright male behind me, was paying more attention to pushing buttons on his phone, than he was to the road ahead of him and he was driving a big tow truck, and what is worse about the not-so-bright male, is that he is old enough to know better. What would have happened if he had not stopped in time?
The worse enemies of the Texting While Driving are the majority of teenagers, in my honest opinion. God help us all if more accidents occur due to the teenage mind frame on texting while driving. Texting is just as intoxicating as Alcohol; it's addictive to the point that a teenager's eyes are firmly planted on the phone the majority of the time in the span of their teenaged life. Believe me I know, I am acquainted to a few of those teenagers in the age range of 13 on to (le gasp)25, and they go no longer than 3 minutes without that phone in their hands and fingers flying away on those buttons. :roll:
I text and it takes time to text. Far longer than it does to talk.
Where is your focus when your texting?
Where else than on the phone?