Text Message to computer??


New Member
Jun 15, 2009
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I wanted to know if I could get a number that anyone on any cell phone plan could text and it would go to a IM chat.

Basically I'm with an organization that wants to be able to chat with people cell phone to computer. We wanted to get a number that they could text and it would go to our office computer. Is that possible?
I was going to get a TTY but it seems more people have cell phone nowadays.

Any help or advice would be great:)
I wanted to know if I could get a number that anyone on any cell phone plan could text and it would go to a IM chat.

Basically I'm with an organization that wants to be able to chat with people cell phone to computer. We wanted to get a number that they could text and it would go to our office computer. Is that possible?
I was going to get a TTY but it seems more people have cell phone nowadays.

Any help or advice would be great:)

Buy a Skype number?
Skype may be worth to look into?

Please let me know if I misunderstand your question.

If you have Gmail account, you could have that feature turned on. Go to Settings >> Labs >> look for "Text Messaging (SMS) in Chat" and enable it. You will be provided a regular US-based area code and 7-digit numbers - they are free to use. Last time I tried it, I was given an Idaho area code and Boise number, so I don't know if they have more choices for Gmail users now.

For more info on Google's Text Messaging (SMS); Official Gmail Blog: Really new in Labs this time: SMS Text Messaging for chat.

You might want to check Google Apps (business services for office use, etc) Welcome to Google Apps.
No. There is no way, to my knowledge, where a cell phone user with ONLY a text message service (SMS) can communcate TO a PC, unless the PC has its own SMS number, which is extremely rare (and costs quite a bit of money to set up).

A PC user can contact a cell phone user via SMS. There are many tools out there for that. But SMSing to a PC would be an SMS user SMSing a purchased phone number with SMS receive abilities, which the only cases I can think of are the pay-for #s that you see like "TEXT 45554 for answers" and costs like $1.00 per SMS.
Skype may be worth to look into?

Please let me know if I misunderstand your question.

If you have Gmail account, you could have that feature turned on. Go to Settings >> Labs >> look for "Text Messaging (SMS) in Chat" and enable it. You will be provided a regular US-based area code and 7-digit numbers - they are free to use. Last time I tried it, I was given an Idaho area code and Boise number, so I don't know if they have more choices for Gmail users now.

For more info on Google's Text Messaging (SMS); Official Gmail Blog: Really new in Labs this time: SMS Text Messaging for chat.

You might want to check Google Apps (business services for office use, etc) Welcome to Google Apps.

So people can text to gmail accounts? that would be perfect. I'll look into that. Were just trying to reach into the deaf community and make it as easy as possible to communicate and I thought if there was a way they could contact our office without needing a TTY or VRS that would be super easy. And everyone has a cell phone.

I'll see what they think. I've never heard of skype, is it pricey?

Thanks for the help:)
No. There is no way, to my knowledge, where a cell phone user with ONLY a text message service (SMS) can communcate TO a PC, unless the PC has its own SMS number, which is extremely rare (and costs quite a bit of money to set up).

A PC user can contact a cell phone user via SMS. There are many tools out there for that. But SMSing to a PC would be an SMS user SMSing a purchased phone number with SMS receive abilities, which the only cases I can think of are the pay-for #s that you see like "TEXT 45554 for answers" and costs like $1.00 per SMS.

Yeah, we cant afford one of those 5digit numbers, thanks for the help:)