Texas inmate awaiting last-minute stay of execution seeks DNA test

Just read the story on AOL news....he got the stay....but after reading the entire clip...it doesn't look too good to me! He was hopped up on alcohol and drugs, says "he don't remmy anything", so he couldn't have done it...oh well...his g/f and her 2 teenage children's blood was all over him....

If DNA saves him, I'll be surprised....
Fry! Fry! Fry! Fry! Fry!........excuse me........what? :gossip: really? :gossip:
since when? :gossip:

ahem Go to sleep! go to sleep! go to sleep! go to sleep! go to sleep!
Oh is it because he's white?
if DNA clears him he did not do it no matter his race , refusing the DNA test was bad form and a federal court had to step it to get the testing done because at one point Texes said he had no right to have the testing done. if DNA shows he did it he will still get the needle
Updated article says he was given a temp stay while he was eating his last meal. Wonder if they will give him another last meal if he loses the appeal...:hmm:
Updated article says he was given a temp stay while he was eating his last meal. Wonder if they will give him another last meal if he loses the appeal...:hmm:

Stewed prunes and ham hocks, last meal of the day.
Eh, let the guy have his DNA test.

At least it will remove any doubt.

Exactly. And it removes the risk of killing an innocent man. With the technology available, they should not be doing any executions without it. Our justice system is far too flawed to risk an execution without absolute certainty.
He was hopped up on alcohol and drugs, says "he don't remmy anything", so he couldn't have done it.
Yeah but it was freaking CODINE!!!!! Not meth or anything (and when I saw his picture he SO looked like a tweaker)
But I'm with souggy and jillo. I do think that if someone is 100% guilty that we SHOULD execute them, especially if it was a very henious crime.
Yes, people can be rehabbed but on the other hand, there are people who are such major sociopaths that they can't be rehabbed at all......
I don't mind them testing....they already did some DNA testing. After the Tim Cole thing we might as well.
Yeah but it was freaking CODINE!!!!! Not meth or anything (and when I saw his picture he SO looked like a tweaker)
But I'm with souggy and jillo. I do think that if someone is 100% guilty that we SHOULD execute them, especially if it was a very henious crime.
Yes, people can be rehabbed but on the other hand, there are people who are such major sociopaths that they can't be rehabbed at all......

Well, that isn't exactly what I was saying. I was saying that our justice system allows for execution in some states, and that it should never be done without DNA to make certain the person accused is guilty. I still don't agree with the death penalty...for numerous reasons. But using DNA consistently prior to executions would remove one of my concerns.
I think that instead of giving them the death penalty, we lock them up in total solitary with NO chance of parole. I have a few reasons why I don't approve of the execution of prisoners...
1. It actually costs more to execute than to keep in prison (look it up, it's true I did a paper on the death penalty and a mock trial)
2. If given the choice, most prisoners would CHOSE death over total solitary confinement... they thing death is the lesser punishment. SO why not put them in total solitary and have them be alone with their evil deeds the rest of their lives?

the only thing the death penalty solves is that they can't parole a dead man "on good behavior"... but if we KEEP the prisoners locked away, no matter what, total solitary is the better way to go

oh and 3. No one but God has the right to say who lives or dies...
and that it should never be done without DNA to make certain the person accused is guilty. I still don't agree with the death penalty...for numerous reasons. But using DNA consistently prior to executions would remove one of my concerns.
Definitly. I'm kind of on the fence about the death penalty. I think it SHOULD be an option, but only reserved for extreme cases. I do think that there are extreme cases where there are socio/psycho paths who are at the level of a Hannibal Lector, and who cannot ever be rehabbed.