You poor thing! I don't know what must have been worse, hitting your head or waiting in the hospital for so long. Maybe someone can watch your daughter tomorrow and you can lie on the couch watching reruns of Trading Spaces and just get some rest.
Originally posted by ShEiLdTaLiSmAn
Syd.. u know whats werid out of this... Trading Spaces is one of my favorite show. LOLZ!
Thanks btw... and no. Busy day.. sunday. Cook out type of thing for every sundays family get-together turn into just us. My 2 sisters have their thing for that day (today) and I'm basically staying home. I might eat and join with my mom for easy WALMART shopping like usual sundays. I dont know.. I'll think about it and see how I feel tomorrow.Thanks again.
Originally posted by Sydlie
You poor thing! I don't know what must have been worse, hitting your head or waiting in the hospital for so long. Maybe someone can watch your daughter tomorrow and you can lie on the couch watching reruns of Trading Spaces and just get some rest.