Nope, not a mood swing. If I elaborated, you'd get upset.What's wrong with Etoile? A mood swing maybe. I FORGIVE you Etoile. It's not your fault.
Nope, not a mood swing. If I elaborated, you'd get upset.![]()
A bipolar person goes from sanity, to a manic state, to a dark mood (depression) in a short time. If that is not insanity I do not know what is. And to say that such a person is completely responsible for his/her actions is ludicrous and unjust. Just ask a judge of law.
Bipolar disorder can be extremely distressing and disruptive for those who have this disease, their spouses, family members, friends and employers. Although there is no known cure, bipolar disorder is treatable, and recovery is possible. Individuals with bipolar disorder have successful relationships and meaningful jobs. The combination of medications and psychotherapy helps the vast majority of people return to productive, fulfilling lives.
It is my illness Interpretrator.
That is exactly what I just said.
I cannot believe I got sucked into trying to help again. You genuinely are totally resistant to advice that doesn't square with what you want to hear, so much so that you can't even see when someone is AGREEING WITH YOU.
Good luck with that. I'm out of my mind for stepping in here again. It's really, really deep.
You are coming through as negative and not a helper. We are misunderstanding each others words. It seems like you are preaching to me Interpretrator. At least that's how it sounds to me anyway.
Interpretrator is not being negative at all. No one here is saying that we do not understand your Bi-Polar "issues." What we do not understand is the continued use of it as an "excuse" for your actions at all times. I have a condition that causes mood swings and depression. It's horrible for me and my family. It's most hard for my 2 kids. The thing is, I don't let it own me, I own the condition. I do not let it consume me and take over my life and use it as a "crutch" for my actions. I, in no way, want to see you leave the forum because in threads other that this one, you have some great topics and have some great things to say. However, I think it would be a good idea for you to really take a step back from this particular thread and regroup, so to speak. Take a deep breath and realize that no one was attacking you. They were in fact trying to give you the advice you were seeking and did so over and over again even when you asked the same question in may different ways. Sometimes you have to stand back and look at a persons answer from a point of view other than your own.
I hope that you do not give up on ASL, but I also hope that you focus on your bi-polar and then go from there. Anyway, do stick around.
Interpretrator is not being negative at all. No one here is saying that we do not understand your Bi-Polar "issues." What we do not understand is the continued use of it as an "excuse" for your actions at all times. I have a condition that causes mood swings and depression. It's horrible for me and my family. It's most hard for my 2 kids. The thing is, I don't let it own me, I own the condition. I do not let it consume me and take over my life and use it as a "crutch" for my actions. I, in no way, want to see you leave the forum because in threads other than this one, you have some great topics and have some great things to say. However, I think it would be a good idea for you to really take a step back from this particular thread and regroup, so to speak. Take a deep breath and realize that no one was attacking you. They were in fact trying to give you the advice you were seeking and did so over and over again even when you asked the same question in many different ways. Sometimes you have to stand back and look at a persons answer from a point of view other than your own.
I hope that you do not give up on ASL, but I also hope that you focus on your bi-polar and then go from there. Anyway, do stick around.
until you accept responsibility for your actions, noone is going to take you seriously...not here..and not in the real world.
grow up
Because I was not totally responsible Darmah…not totally: Only partially. That’s why.
I just found this paragraph on the Net:
As a therapist, I have to tell you, AB, you are responsible. Your disoder may be a reason. However, it is not an excuse, and you are attempting to use it as one to avoid taking responsibility for your actions and making appropriate apologies. I'm sorry if this comment offends you, but I would say same to any client of mine that was behaving in the same way.
jillio: If you were to know me personally, you would agree with my answer. I do not feel in the least fully responsible for my actions. If I felt your were correct, I would of apoligize immediately. If you or others feel differently, I am sorry. But I know that I am not fully guilty. You would have to know me to know that fact. Thank you for your word anyway.