Tenn. County Wants to Charge Homosexuals


Premium Member
Mar 12, 2003
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I am so disgusted by what I had to read, people can be so bigoted and it just remind me too much of the Nazi era.
oh sheesh Banjo -- cant believe u beat me to it LOL

but YES it is a blantant display of bigotry!!!
Oh.. :lol: I just posted in the Rainbow Thread with the same Topic.. Heh... :ily:
I don't want to live in Tennessee where narrow-minded people are against homosexuals. They are too stupid and bigots!! :bsflag:
this is STUPID!!!!!!! and a VERY blantant display of homophobia!!! i think the TN county politicians should be ARRESTED themselves!!!!
WoW..*speechless*....I'm kind of glad I don't live in Tennessee where they're going to charge Innocent people just because it's against it nature...I don't understand this...Why can't they simply worry about their own life!..don't they have one?...
If I live there in Tenn and I will ask them to move to DC!!! They will LOSE for sure! I am not appreciate those people and they made me :Oops: because I am SOUTHERN myself!!! :madfawk:
Rhea County, AFAIK is just the worst place to be a Liberal....I know since Conservatives dominate the Government out in Dayton. Also East Tennessee is heavy Conservatives but not to the degree that is prevalent out in Rhea County.

The assholes in Dayton totally disgusts me to no end after I read the article in the Knoxville newspaper. That thing is going to make the Monkey Trial look so cheap by comparsion.

Good thing I dont live in Dayton or Rhea County either.
I heard my sister's planning to go to Tenns. someday so she has a few friends who are homosexual, as well so maybe if some go with her there, she would proably have a difficult time trying to set them free from that state
Knoxville would be the most GLBT friendly place compared to the farm areas out in TN Steel.....