ten min in the dryer


New Member
Jun 28, 2011
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It be great if we could put ourselves in the dryer,come out wrinkle free and three sizes smaller
:lol:...Caz...we sure do wish.
Have noticed more on my chest area...feel it's from all the sun at the Beach for 5 years...but heck...we're all gonna wrinkle and get old. (If we ain't already!)
Many of my friends have what you call "Prune Lips"....:giggle:...and there was this guy who had so many wrinkles on his face you could draw a map on it....Double, even triple chins are so common too...
my dad fixed dryer but it still not work right but seems like we will need new dryer but it works for now eh. but i wish it was only 20 mins then it will be perfect.. but oh well :) life would be easy if my parents got new dryer and washer at same time then we would not have problems waiting for laundry to be finished more than an hour ugh.