Originally posted by knightwolf68
I just decide to input theses list of questions ... Pls respect each other and try not make fun of other person's ... also, pls do not off topics thanks ... even If u don't want to answer to these questions then pls don't post and thanks for respect and cooperation smile
what is ur birthplace ?
Ontario, Canada
what is ur signs ?
Cusp of Scorpio & Sag.
what is ur favorite color and why ?
Red and Black... they make me look so damn hawwt!!
how many brothers/sisters do u have ??
Older deaf sister and younger deaf sister
who is ur closest friend from on line that u haven't met in the real life yet?
MamaKatziechickie, Lizachickie, Kootchie, CF, SmellyFeet & Deaf258
do u have pets ??? If that so ?? what is it ??
2 Boston Terriers (dogs) and a tabby cat
what animals that u really wish to have these as pet but u knew u can't have them ? and why ?
I always wanted to have panda bears and koala bears, they're sooo cuddly!!
What sports do u like to watch ?
Baseball, hockey, football and soccer
What do u see in urself in next ten years from now ?
Graduating from college, having children & travelling!!
who is ur role model of AD?? Moi, of course!! Kootchie, Deaf258, Katzie, Liza, SmellyFeet and CF!!