Teen Going Through Deafhood - Intro and Questions


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Sep 9, 2007
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Hey people,

I'm Bobby, a 16-year-old Deaf person. My family is hearing and I am oral. I started learning ASL about a year ago and have pretty good signing skills according to the local community.

Question for Deaf of Deafs here and just Deaf people in general...

I am classified in the medical model as "moderately deaf." Does this mean I can't call myself Deaf without offending D/deaf people? I need hearing aides, closed captioning, FM System, and an interpreter for platform settings (for example, theatre, auditorium).

My ASL teacher (who's been in Deaf ed for over 30 years) says that I am not Deaf, but HOH. "To be Deaf, you have to sign like a native signer." So all in all I am really confused about *what* I am. I am not fluent in ASL yet but I will be by the time I go to college ('cause I will need an interpreter for there for sure).

Any thoughts?

As far as hobbies/interests, I am really into theatre and drama. I love seeing plays interpreted (it's the only way I can understand the show) and I've yet to see a Deaf West/NTD play. I am also a huge bookworm; English is my first language, I devour anything American Literature. I want to go to college to teach HS English to Deaf kids using BiBi, and I also want to be an interpreter (I have enough hearing to comprehend things aurally) - for the deaf and deaf blind.

Nice to meet you all!
:welcome: to AD!

Your ASL terp is wrong...if u are comfortable calling yourself Deaf, then dont worry about what others think. I was born with a severe profound deafness but raised orally and just learned ASL about 10 years ago at the age of 25. A lot of Deaf people say I act more hearing than Deaf but I dont care. I call myself Deaf.
"To be Deaf, you have to sign like a native signer."

You said it, BBNT. It's not true. I've been to both worlds, hearing and deaf. No problem at all. I'm oral. But I can sign language pretty fluent. Don't worry about it. AND....welcome to the forums.

My name is elaina and I'm 17 so i understand the whole teen challenge i was also raised oral. And everyone is right your teacher is tottally wrong that's bull. Have fun posting
Thanks for all the replies...

Any DODs in here?

Really...I *am* comfortable calling myself Deaf, but the hearing people around me are not. Hmm...I like being Deaf, though.
Hey people,

I'm Bobby, a 16-year-old Deaf person. My family is hearing and I am oral. I started learning ASL about a year ago and have pretty good signing skills according to the local community.

Question for Deaf of Deafs here and just Deaf people in general...

I am classified in the medical model as "moderately deaf." Does this mean I can't call myself Deaf without offending D/deaf people? I need hearing aides, closed captioning, FM System, and an interpreter for platform settings (for example, theatre, auditorium).

My ASL teacher (who's been in Deaf ed for over 30 years) says that I am not Deaf, but HOH. "To be Deaf, you have to sign like a native signer." So all in all I am really confused about *what* I am. I am not fluent in ASL yet but I will be by the time I go to college ('cause I will need an interpreter for there for sure).

Any thoughts?

As far as hobbies/interests, I am really into theatre and drama. I love seeing plays interpreted (it's the only way I can understand the show) and I've yet to see a Deaf West/NTD play. I am also a huge bookworm; English is my first language, I devour anything American Literature. I want to go to college to teach HS English to Deaf kids using BiBi, and I also want to be an interpreter (I have enough hearing to comprehend things aurally) - for the deaf and deaf blind.

Nice to meet you all!

:welcome: To Alldeaf forum!

That is a terrible thing for the ASL teacher telling you that "To be Deaf, you have to be a native signer" which mean you have to sign fluently and know about the Deaf Culture. Anyway, she is wrong. We are not perfect but we try to do the best we can to learn how to sign and just socialize with the deaf people whether it is in your class or other deaf youth events. Whoa, as for being an interpreter, you have to listen to what the hearing teacher say behind your back when you are interpreting to the deaf students or to listen to the doctor while interpreting for the deaf patient or to listen to the judge in court while interpreting for deaf defendent or deaf criminal. With your lack of hearing, I don't know. :dunno:

So feel free to ask any questions to us and enjoy and have fun in the forums. :ugh3: Again Welcome!!
Is your ASL teacher hearing? Deaf with a small "d" denotes the impariment of auditory function. Deaf with a "D" is a cultural designation. You can be HOH and Deaf, or deaf andDeaf or deaf and not Deaf.
Welcome to AD!! ASL teacher is totally wrong!! I agree with others said abt this teacher..
Is your ASL teacher hearing? Deaf with a small "d" denotes the impariment of auditory function. Deaf with a "D" is a cultural designation. You can be HOH and Deaf, or deaf andDeaf or deaf and not Deaf.

Yes, she is hearing, and yes, she knows the difference, as do I.
That is BS of course. You call yourself whatever you feel comfortable with. Next time, tell her you're Deaf as you like.

Sometimes Deaf educators have high opinions that they're not flexible with anything regarding the Deaf world. When they're hearing, it's a load of crap some of the things they say as if they know about being deaf enough.
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf! Psstt...next time, go up to your teacher and place your hearing-aide in the palm of your hand, then ask the teacher, what am I now? ;) However, to define or classify who and what you are, do and be what makes you feel comfortable with. Also, nice to meet you and hope you'll enjoy your stay here in AD!

Herzlich Willkommen in AD!... No worries, ADers will help you here about Deafhood.. I would like help you too, but I am not american. I came from Germany so I know what is Deafhood, but different culture deafs in USA and Germany
Welcome to AD and the asl teacher is wrong. once you lose your hearing- you are deaf. if one wear ci and can hear well but still is deaf. whether you learn sign language or not and you cant hear a bit you are still deaf. whatever you feel comfy with the term deaf then i applause you. I was born deaf but raised as hoh but still am deaf cuz i cant hear well? :) Meanwhile I hope you will enjoy your stay with us! :)
. . . Psstt...next time, go up to your teacher and place your hearing-aide in the palm of your hand, then ask the teacher, what am I now? ;) . . .

Roadrunner, I concur and that was a good answer! I think he should do this, too! I sure would!

Welcome to alldeaf and get posting, Bobby! You'll learn all about the various ones of us around here, especially me and my hearing dog, Snickers. It's not quite time for me to change my avatar, but when I do, there'll be a picture of Snickers up there.

Oh, by the way, Bobby, yes, you are deaf. I have a severe hearing loss, had an audiogram this past Friday, which showed my hearing beginning to get worse. Do I consider myself deaf? You bet!!
The concept of deaf labeling is still very vague.

It usually depends on the community you're in and who you are talking with.

I don't have severe hearing lost. I can talk and hear on the phone. I can hear music. I can recognize sounds. Etc. So, I'm pretty much "hard-of-hearing".

If I were talking to another deaf person, I would say that I was HoH. If I was talking to a hearing person, I would say that I was deaf. If it was a hearing person who works in the deaf department, then they would have a similar understanding to deaf labeling as deaf people do... so it's usually safe to just label yourself HoH to them.

Saying that you have to be a native signer before you can be labeled as deaf... is a crappy definition.

She is sorta right in a way with how you should label yourself. Since she's an ASL interpreter, she's basically part of the "deaf department" and understands deaf labeling. So, you would consider yourself HoH to her. :)
Welcome to alldeaf and enjoy. I am proud deaf. You can be deaf if you want to be.
:welcome: Bobby! :) I'm glad you came and stay in Alldeaf.com. I know you will go far in information with the deafness here in AD. :) Don't worry about what your ASL teacher tell you about who you are. You just tell them who you are... deaf or hard of hearing or any good reputation you want yourself to be. :)

I am profound deaf and I had CI. I born hearing but meningitis attacked me at 6 months old. LOL I grew up oral and learned SEE first in high school then ASL in third year of HS. CI did not help me anymore. So now I am without any aids, because being deaf is who I am. I call myself deaf, and I don't sign ASL fluently, IMO! :)

Again, :welcome: and keep on posting!