Teacher Accused Of Having Sex With Boy


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Apr 22, 2007
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Police: Woman Admitted To Ongoing Sexual Relationship With Teen

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- A 39-year-old church counselor and Duval County school employee is under arrest, charged with three counts of capital sexual battery.

According to the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office, a woman notified police on Wednesday of concerns that her teenage son had an inappropriate relationship with his church counselor and math tutor, Kristina "Krissy" Hartless.

Police said when confronted about the allegations, Hartless admitted to having intercourse with the boy multiple times over a period of months.

Hartless was arrested and booked into the Duval County Jail. Saturday morning, the woman did not appear in court as she was expected to. Her bond was set at $50,000.

Video: Woman Charged With Capital Sexual Battery

Hartless is a fifth-grade teacher at Beauclerc Elementary School. A Duval County School District spokeswoman said Hartless has worked for the district since 2006 and has no blemishes on her record.

The spokeswoman said the victim was not one of her students, but she has been removed from the classroom pending the outcome of the investigation.

According to a church newsletter, Hartless is volunteer at Lakewood United Methodist.

Teacher Accused Of Having Sex With Boy - Jacksonville News Story - WJXT Jacksonville
There's been alot of Sexual Abuse towards children as of late (from both sexes of course). Pisses me off when someone holds a position of trust does something as stupid as this and on top of that, narcissus attitudes coming from the abusers. :mad:

Even adults knew having sex with minors will get serious consequences, and they still keep doing it. Maybe consequence should get stricter, like 15 years in prison doubled to 30.
Even adults knew having sex with minors will get serious consequences, and they still keep doing it. Maybe consequence should get stricter, like 15 years in prison doubled to 30.

In the next county East of us, a child molester got 60 years in prison.

My county just plain sucks, the CM here got no prison time and 6 weeks probation, despite of the massive protest made by families and friends standing outside of the courthouse objecting to the sentencing deal made between the perv and the Prosecutor.

So I guess the millage may vary depending on your State, City & County.

Ok, she admitted she had intercourse with a teenager boy several times.

Let's see... that boy got a hard on and you think the teacher should be sentenced to 15 years?
Ok, she admitted she had intercourse with a teenager boy several times.

Let's see... that boy got a hard on and you think the teacher should be sentenced to 15 years?

Say what?...The 39 yr. old "teacher" admitted to having intercourse with the teenage boy several times!
My teenage boys get "hard ons" too...but my 25 yr. old neigbour doesn't have sex with them, even tho' they think "she's hot"!...If she did, I'd throw her ass in jail! And 30 years still isn't long enuf for an adult who preys on children or teenagers.

My boys have 2 good hands....that's what they are expected to use. As for that 39 year old woman, seems she's got a fetish for "young boys"!...Too bad she isn't my neighbor or my son's teacher...I'd knock her for a loop!
Ok, she admitted she had intercourse with a teenager boy several times.

Let's see... that boy got a hard on and you think the teacher should be sentenced to 15 years?
Who is the adult here? Hint: not the teenager.
Say what?...The 39 yr. old "teacher" admitted to having intercourse with the teenage boy several times!
My teenage boys get "hard ons" too...but my 25 yr. old neigbour doesn't have sex with them, even tho' they think "she's hot"!...If she did, I'd throw her ass in jail! And 30 years still isn't long enuf for an adult who preys on children or teenagers.

My boys have 2 good hands....that's what they are expected to use. As for that 39 year old woman, seems she's got a fetish for "young boys"!...Too bad she isn't my neighbor or my son's teacher...I'd knock her for a loop!

First, there's nothing that said that she was preying on boys... it's extremely RARE for women to molest several boys - it's primarily a male sexual phenomena. It usually happens because they were ROMANTICALLY interested which led to a sexual relationship.

Second, punishment should NOT be the same for women and men. Teen boys often take advantage of sex with adults if they could. Teen girls tend not to and as a result are raped. To say that a woman should serve 30 years for sexual intercourse with a teenager boy is totally ridiculous. Don't be stupid to think that the teen boys didn't know it's illegal. They know it's illegal but do it anyway. Girls don't have the same kind of sexual psyche that boys do and are much less likely to initiate sex. Men tend to look for opportunities in girls or boys and use them for sexual gratification.

So, sorry, no... I disagree on punishments for teen-adult sex crimes. It's actually ridiculous. Age does matter but because everyone age differently, should be evaluated individually.
Who is the adult here? Hint: not the teenager.

So what? Many adults aren't really mature. I am not saying it should not be a crime. It should be illegal but to say she should serve 15 years is just excessive.
Given the picture of the woman, I would definitely say this was abuse.
For one thing to protect the student and teacher from false accusations the best thing to do is to never allow a teacher and a student to be left alone together, a third person should always be around. If they can't arrange for this to happen then perhaps it is best if the tutoring is done via video or through emails that are screened through filters that remove objectionable content and notify an administrator via email.

It is sad that people have lost respect for each other and also have lost respect for their jobs and positions. This teacher obviously did not respect her job enough to take into consideration that such things were very unprofessional and definitely crosses a line that should be given a wide berth to begin with.

Even though I am only a substitute teacher, if my students start getting vulgar or explicit I will steer the conversation elsewhere. If a student tries to make funny sexual jokes I will tell them that school is not the appropriate place for such talk. Many of them want to befriend me on FB and I have told them that I cannot friend them on FB as it crosses a line that should not be crossed. I don't want people thinking there is something going on when I know good and well there is not. There are students that were already on my FB and I have sent them messages explaining to them that because of my position I cannot be friends with them online and I have no personal grudges or issues with them, it is simply the nature of the job that does not allow that freedom. As a parent I would be a little cautious about a teacher that has friended my DD on FB and is constantly sending her private messages.

The student knew it was wrong, the teacher knew it was wrong and it takes two to tango. Both should be held responsible while the adult should carry the brunt of it as she should have stepped in and said no, this is going too far, we cannot allow this to go further. Doing so would jeopardize both of our lives.

Thats just my 2 cents.
So what? Many adults aren't really mature. I am not saying it should not be a crime. It should be illegal but to say she should serve 15 years is just excessive.
"Maturity" isn't legally recognized.

She has not even been convicted yet.
i had a hot teacher in high school and always dreamed about this.
i had a hot teacher in high school and always dreamed about this.

And what teenage boy does not when there is a young good looking teacher? during my sophomore year in high school a senior was openly dating a teacher that was currently working for the district. The entire school staff knew about it, it was openly discussed in class, and even the parents were aware of it. The only thing that happened to the teacher was that her contract was not renewed and she was barred from working within the district in any capacity. I assume it was never officially reported and was dealt with on the local level only.

The teacher ended up pregnant by him after graduation and they married. Two years later she left him for a much, much older man with loads of $$$.
a male teach can take advantage of a school girl. that's a given.but any smart school guy will use a teach and they cry rape if his parents complain.
When I was in high school, a male teacher secretly dated his male student for 3 years (soph-senior). After he graduated, and the teacher resigned his post, they dated publicly for a few more years. They were a cute couple and it wasn't scandalous.
When I was in high school, a male teacher secretly dated his male student for 3 years (soph-senior). After he graduated, and the teacher resigned his post, they dated publicly for a few more years. They were a cute couple and it wasn't scandalous.

ok. I'm going to be blunt, because what I learned from people in my personal experience.

Teachers who go after minors and know it is wrong do not know how draw the line. Even if they dated and in love. More likely he'll go after minors again.

They need professional help.
Ok, she admitted she had intercourse with a teenager boy several times.

Let's see... that boy got a hard on and you think the teacher should be sentenced to 15 years?

An erection - especially in teenage boys is a physiological response, not an invite for sex.

Just because the boy got an erection (even if he was attracted to her) does NOT make it ok for an adult woman to presume that it's somehow "ok" to have sex with the minor because he's "aroused".

While much less common - it IS possible for a female to (for all intents and purposes) rape a male (especially a teen as they are prone to spontaneous erections) . To pressure another person into a sexual act, EVEN if the person is aroused is STILL rape.

People seem to conveniently forget that arousal isn't a sign of consent. Arousal is the body's response to hormones (spontaneous erection) and to specific types of physical touch - simple friction is often enough to provoke the body's response ... this does NOT make it ok.

If a woman obviously was being raped - but had specific physical responses due to the nature of what was being done (some of which in a women are to protect her from being injured during intercourse) ... would you say "see she __________ (insert one or more physical body responses that happen to females during sex) at some point during it ,so she asked for it" ???
Wirelessly posted

I remember getting a boner just from sitting in a hard plastic chair, no dirty thoughts at all. Man, I was glad when I finally got control over my body. I wouldn't wish my early teen years on anyone.