

New Member
Aug 8, 2012
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I love art and always enjoy looking at them. Do you have Tattoos? What is it of and why did you get it? If you have pictures, feel free to post! :aw:
I have 9 of them. I have 5 Celtic ones on my left forearm which represents my Irish and Scottish heritage. On my right forearm I have the Sagittarius arrow with a spiral because its my sign. On my right calf I have Tigger lying on his side looking at a butterfly and above that the autism puzzle pieces to represent my son. The last one is a portrait of my beagle pup that passed away and she sits on my left shoulder blade.
I like to appreciate good tattoos from afar. I'm content to be a blank canvas for the foreseeable future.

There's an entire blog dedicated to pictures of horrible tattoos, and I can't help but cringe at a lot of them because seriously? It's on you forever! At least make it good!


Here's one of mine. (I wanted something that represents deafness in a witty way) ^-^
Hahaha! Brilliant. I rarely like text tattoos, because they often ignore the shape of the human body, but yours suits it nicely.
Have you seen the satanist prisoner's mugshot?? There was an album dedicated to that dude, it shows his timeline where his face was progressively getting worse and covered with tattoos. it was nearly black with symbols showing. O.o

It is good you are content with being tattoo-less. It means you take this seriously.

I only have 2 and I don't believe in just putting random stuff on my body, it has to have a meaning behind it. I don't think i will be getting anymore. I like art but don't want to be THE ART. lol (meaning being totally covered with tattoos.)
very cool tat,Mush! :lol:

I have one and it's a rottweiler tat on my left is enough. I've always like rottweilers. :) I got it when I was a teen.
if i could afford that Kat from l.a ink i have tat,i have been thinking about tat for sometime now..kat is artist genious
High Voltage Tattoo Shop (Kat Von D.'s shop)
Minimum price = 200 for regular work
$1,000 for Portraits.
So now that is just "deposits" Imagine the final price.
Good idea on the ear tattoo. I think I need the same inscription on my forehead.....
Wirelessly posted

MushyCookies said:

Here's one of mine. (I wanted something that represents deafness in a witty way) ^-^

Body Modification is rad!

Out of order? That's wicked and brilliant! I have 3 tattoos but unlike yours, they're all meaningless. Piercings is much more awesome, though. Have you heard of scarification?
i have one that my best friend did it says "oige" which means youth in Irish. my other one is a 3 leaf clover inside a celtic knot that my dad and I got together and my sister is going to get the same one once she turns 18!
MushyCookies, I like the tattoo on your ear area. :)

As for me, I don't have any tattoo on me because tattoo isn't "me" and I do like seeing tattoo arts.
I have one between my shoulder blades. It's a blue sun-like thing with my name in Hebrew written inside. I keep thinking about getting it changed but since I can't see it, it doesn't bother me.
my sister already pay tatoos cost lots approx not sure 500 or 600 dollars serious

already my mom serious :) pic tatoo!
she already on legs and back my sister is real on tattoo is beautiful! memory R.I.P
I have 5, a rose with a bee (got the rose 1st then the bee a year later) on my right hip in the front and a dolphin on my right hip in the back. I want to get those covered up. Got a frog on my right foot. My latest is all over the right side of my torso, got it last month, the pic is in the tattoo thread in pics and vids :) and I'm just realizing I'm all lopsided, everything's on my right side. After tax time, hopefully I get a great return, because I want to go back up to NH and have a n old buddy of mine put artwork in the background of the tat I just got, right now it's just words. hmm we took a bunch of pics last month at the beach when my sister was visiting I bet I could find one where you can see my rose and bee. I look and maybe post one if I do. Going to try to get them covered up when I get more work done on the one I just got.

And I looooove yours :) out of order, what a riot!! wicked awesome!!!
Yes I do have one, if I wasn't lazy, I'd copy it and edit it to get closer on it, but it wouldn't make it look better lol. The rose is 19 years old, and the bee is 18. Yeah def want to get them covered up :giggle:

Those are my kiddos with me :)


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I have 9 of them. I have 5 Celtic ones on my left forearm which represents my Irish and Scottish heritage. On my right forearm I have the Sagittarius arrow with a spiral because its my sign. On my right calf I have Tigger lying on his side looking at a butterfly and above that the autism puzzle pieces to represent my son. The last one is a portrait of my beagle pup that passed away and she sits on my left shoulder blade.

You do know that a lot of us with Autism or Asperger's really hate the Autism Speaks group and the symbol. We are people not puzzles. Referring to us a puzzle is dehumanizing and degrading. We are different not broken or in need of being pieced back together to make us normal. Autism Speaks is the equivalent of Audism/oralism such as AG Bell in the Deaf world. All they see is someone with broken hearing or differently wired and functioning brains who needs to be made normal so we can fit in with society rather than be respected for our uniqueness and our differences... They also keep Aspies and Autistics off of there paid staff and governing board as much as possible...
The Autistic Self Advocacy Network logo would be a better choice Autistic Self Advocacy Network | Nothing About Us Without Us

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