Take Your Dog to Work


If You Know What I Mean
Premium Member
Apr 27, 2007
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Take Your Dog To Work, Today

anybody take their dog to work???? I wish I can

Bo - Obama Family Dog





Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad brings Dakota, his Bichon Frise, to a busy day of work on the Hill.

These looks beautiful. My friend who is deaf, has a hearing dog, she takes him to work everyday and the dog loves to chill at her work.
yes, I know of it - great idea so long as dog is okay with it, too. I know of some people who work in non-dog jobs and can do this.
as I work part-time at doggie daycare, I could take my young girlie to work with me-
I don't have a dog... but I remember that at my previous job, a lady always brought her dog. Sometimes it was a nice distraction :D

We were a company of 200 people and I doubt the Managing Director would have allowed all of the people to bring their pets to work, but I know he made an exception for this dog due to some kind of disease the doggie had... (don't remember what it was though...)
Google's one of the major giants that I know of that lets you take your dog to work. When they contacted me a few years ago for employment, they were nice enough to send over an email of their company guidelines.

I've copy-pasta'ed the dog policy they have.

google dog policy said:
-Dogs must be properly licensed and vaccinated.

-All dogs must be supervised and cannot be left in Google facilities overnight or while the owner is not present.

-Dogs must stay with their owner or designated watcher at all times and should be kept in an employee's office when the employee is working there.

-Dogs are not allowed in bathrooms, break areas, the cafe, in meetings, or on the sand volleyball court.

-Any behavior, which interferes with another employee's ability to work, will be cause for a pet to be taken home (interference is in the eye of the beholder). Aggressive behavior, such as growling, barking, chasing, or biting, is unacceptable and the pet will have to be taken home on the first complaint.

-Employees with allergic reactions to dogs may ask the owner to refrain from bringing the dog to the workplace if the presence of the dogs makes it difficult for the allergic employee to work. Pets with evidence of fleas will be asked to go home until the problem has been alleviated.

-Owners are responsible for cleaning up after pets at all times. If a pet has more than one indoor "accident" they will be asked to go home. Employees are financially responsible for any damage or cleaning to Google facilities, this includes damage from accidents, excessive pet hair and odor removal.

-Owners must maintain adequate liability insurance against dog mishaps.

-Google assumes no responsibility for any pet.
That's cool Google have a dog policy. A dog can be a girls' best friend :)
My dog comes to work with me every single day and he loves it! When it's too hot or i am expected to work long hours my neighbour takes care of him.... he loves it too!!
These looks beautiful. My friend who is deaf, has a hearing dog, she takes him to work everyday and the dog loves to chill at her work.

Snickers is my hearing dog and goes everywhere with me. When I drove truck, she stayed in it when I was inside customers ware house and only once did she come out at a pesticide plant. The person there chided me for doing that to her, but there were no ill effects with Snickers. No, I would never do that again.

Snickers had one accident in a classroom at our university, a very messy poop. It was between two classes and in the same classroom for both classes. The class moved to another room while I cleaned up the mess and got security over there to block the room and wait for the cleaners to come. To date, I haven't received a cleaning bill, although the school had every right to give me one. Disability Services could have gotten wind of this and barred Snickers from class, but it never happened. So glad no problems arose from it.

Dogs do get sick from time to time and it can't be helped. Aggresive dogs in the workplace, however, are another story. We can all deal with the shedding, drooling and dribbled water, but not the unfriendly dog.
Great about Google's dog policy. That would be a good place to work.
Its so cute having a dog at work... I wish I could have a dog to bring with me to work to bark at guys to stay away from me. LOL!!!
Of course! Same way Canine Vision, hearing ear dogs, Special Skills Dogs, and Autistic Child Service dogs. All service dogs allow all buildings, cafes, restaurant, etc....

But I have one problem, Pizza Hut restaurant reused my hearing ear dog. I believe Pizza Hut is very wrongful law.
Of course! Same way Canine Vision, hearing ear dogs, Special Skills Dogs, and Autistic Child Service dogs. All service dogs allow all buildings, cafes, restaurant, etc....

But I have one problem, Pizza Hut restaurant reused my hearing ear dog. I believe Pizza Hut is very wrongful law.

I never had a problem with Pizza Hut. Then again, I don't always have Snickers' cape on her.
I remember, a few years ago, two deaf co-workers brought their hearing dogs to work every day. The Activities Director had a Great Dane dog and the Activities Assistant had a mutt (mixed breed) dog. Both were getting along well with the Deaf residents at a nursing home here. They enjoyed petting the dogs (and even, Suki, my cat. She enjoyed their company).
I wish I could bring my dog to work but not my dog cuz he is afraid of noise and people. So not good idea.
I'm allowed to take my dog to work, only because I work at a "Doggie Daycare" place.

It's so much fun. =]
I couldn't possible bring my dog to work, I work around food.
I wish or hope Hospital would allow dogs with Nurse or anyone who work at Hospital and if so then i would bring my dogs to hospital everyday in the future