Take care yalls.

posts from hell

New Member
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
I'm gonna retire from Alldeaf for a long while, like I normally do.

Some of you know where to find me.

The coffee order will be shipped out Monday.

Take care yall.
:shock: Where are you going? One of the Aders said "Happy Holiday". Does that mean you are at college and are going on furlough leave for the Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day? I will surely miss your posts and I do hope you can come back. Thank you for being here and you take care, too. :cry:
So when you say you're going to take a leave like you usually do, are you saying that you are going to leave for another 6 years? :P Staaaay. :)
:shock: Where are you going? One of the Aders said "Happy Holiday". Does that mean you are at college and are going on furlough leave for the Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day? I will surely miss your posts and I do hope you can come back. Thank you for being here and you take care, too. :cry:

Some of us have him our Facebook and instant messengers.
So long! Come back when ever you are ready.... :wave:
Yeah, *sigh*. He made things fun around here. A little obnoxious, but in a good way.

Did you ever get your coffee?
Yeah, *sigh*. He made things fun around here. A little obnoxious, but in a good way.

Did you ever get your coffee?

I agree :roll:

... and no, I didn't win the coffee remember? I arrived too late! Ugh, I am still disappointed (grumbles) blast it.