You're not comprehending what I was saying.
Perhaps a little education should help you:
Social Security is a social insurance program that is funded through dedicated payroll taxes called Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA). Tax deposits are formally entrusted to the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund, the Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund, the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund, or the Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund.[3]"
Social Security (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
SSA is insurance. It gives you back if you have WORKED and is now retired or disabled.
"Supplemental Security Income (or SSI) is a United States government program that provides stipends to low-income persons who are either aged (65 or older), blind, or disabled.[1] Although administered by the Social Security Administration,[2]
SSI is funded from the U.S. Treasury general funds,[1] not the Social Security trust fund."
Supplemental Security Income - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Big difference. SSI is basically "free" money paid by our tax money NOT inside the SSA fund. And don't forget that it was Republican Nixon that signed that bill.
That's not what I was talking about in the first place. People think that people on SSA get it for free and that's not true. People are ENTITLED to get SSA if they're eligible based on their credits.
The definition as given by Reba is the proper definition but it should NOT be demonized into "free for nothing" definition as it is not entirely true. The seniors and the disabled are really entitled to get their benefits as they have WORKED and EARNED credits to be entitled for it.
Yes, people can get benefits even if they never earned a penny but they will ALWAYS get less than what they could get if they got SSA benefits. We're NOT paying them SSA money.
I've argued in the past that we should increase the age of retirement because we live longer and that it's better for the seniors not to retire anyway. Statistics seem to show that seniors who continue to work have lower mortality than those who retired yet politics and FUD cloud common sense. I've argued for more taxes on junk food because the evidence is crystal clear - they're contributing to the health problems causing more strain on our health care.
Just common sense. It's that simple.