switching from time warner to direct TV or dishtv for TV


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Jun 7, 2008
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Has anyone recently switched from cable tv to directtv/dish companies to save money on cable costs but kept cable internet for videophone? How did it work out for you? would you do it again? any captioning issues with satellite dishes now a days. Things are supposely better now then 2 or more years ago so I am asking for those who tried it or have it in real world experience?
Has anyone recently switched from cable tv to directtv/dish companies to save money on cable costs but kept cable internet for videophone? How did it work out for you? would you do it again? any captioning issues with satellite dishes now a days. Things are supposely better now then 2 or more years ago so I am asking for those who tried it or have it in real world experience?

I used to have Directv in the past.. closed captioned on HD box works nicely on any HDTVs.
Better? I dunno. HD on Dish Network with CC is not 100% great. Too many dialogs are missing and the CC seems to mostly stay on left side of the screen. Now I hardly watch TV and watch Hulu mostly of the time. Can’t comment on DirectTV (never have tried it).

Just for your information, TWC’s internet-only cable modem is very expensive as I’m paying 75 a month. :shock:
Thanks guys for chiming in.. was hoping for more comments, feedback. Its just that the cost for sat tv looks so attractive and ads is all over . for some reason i am seeing them now. I didnt jump on it yet or still thinking about it because no matter how i dice it, slice it, cook it the cost and functionality for VP and tv seems cheaper with TWC, but the prices are going so high it about to kill me. something gotta give. unfornuately fios is not available where i am so I could try the bundle prices.
I am planning to get internet only when I move to apartment soon and only watch tv using Netflix. I think that would be better and cheaper and can watch tv on my own time and terms. :)
I'm Directv subscriber and Directv HD DVR works great - they have good closed captioning.

Directv HD DVR has CC encoder built in so need HDMI to receive HD shows and digital CC.
I own DirectTV and like what other posters posted. It got built in CC on HDTV units or DVR.

The cost is attractive but normally only for 1 or 2 years then it goes to regular price per month. So be sure you know what your signing up and how long that price will only last for.

Just for your information, TWC’s internet-only cable modem is very expensive as I’m paying 75 a month. :shock:

My TWC's Road Runner internet go up to $60.98 a month from $58.98. (Los Angeles county area)
I have Bright House for everything and I have really great luck with it. C.C. is accurate most of the time ( pretty sure it's never 100% everywhere ) and the bundling makes it cheaper. :P
BrightHouse is affiliated with Time Warner.

I have Bright House for everything and I have really great luck with it. C.C. is accurate most of the time ( pretty sure it's never 100% everywhere ) and the bundling makes it cheaper. :P
I love my DirecTV; surprised no one has hit you up for the referral yet (saves $10 a month for 10 months). Captioning is OK. I can't get cable at my house; it doesn't go to my house and they want 1500 to run it, so use telco for Internet. They have good deals, and if you threaten to leave or downgrade, they lower the cost for a little while. I even kept satellite at places where I could get cable. I've had DirecTV since 2000 and in 6 different houses around NC and VA mountains. HD is more sensitive to weather, but you can always go to the SD channel to try to get it if you're desperate. Many of my friends have switched to using antenna for local and streaming from Amazon and Hulu places. Their main complaint is missing live sports for many events. If you have a lot of TVs, satellite may not be the choice since they do charge for each receiver. I used to buy returned ones at Circuit City so I didn't pay their lease fee on top. Now I just have one TV and bought the HD DVR. In 13 years I've had 2 bad SD receivers. One went bad within warranty and the other got fried in a storm.
I have bad experience with Time Warner. I currently using DTV since 2000 and Time Warner for Internet. If I ever get FiOS in my neighborhood, I will make that switch right away.
DirecTV is mostly okay for me, still somewhat better than Time Warner. I busted Time Warner for lying to me back in 2000. I was supposed to have service call on that date, and the technician never showed up. I had to call back, and gave Time Warner two choices, show up today (That was promised appointment) or never. The operator said, yes technician was at my home... I said oh really?, I looked at front door, mind you there was 18 inches of snow, no footprints! I asked the operator why lied to me? I told them "you got today or never", they choose never, so I set up DirecTV afterwards and telco for Internet. I can not accept lying from any businesses. I eventually switched Internet back to Time Warner due to lousy Internet connection from telco.
Just let you know I switch from Time Warner to Dish last March. I refuse to pay $80 a month just for cable tv. I have Dish VIP 722 DVR. That DVR can connect two TV. One for HDTV via HDMi and other one SD(standard def, no HD) via coxial cable. I hook up two HDTV with HDMI and second for coxial cable. I dont mind no HD for my second HDTV. CC work fine thou. I now paying Dish for $33 a month for one year. $25 tv package with $6 DVR fee and tax/fees. Second year, Idk, but Im betting $60a month for next year. There are some few cons about DISH, You cant watch local channels through OnDemand(But with Hopper you can). There is fewer HD channels than Time Warner. We dont have ABC Family in HD just SD. Or CartoonNetwork West and East. Both in SD. Regular CartoonNetwork is in HD. Oh, and my TWC HD quality is little better than Dish. But I need to save money so I have to get Dish. So far Im happy with it.
I pay $35 a month for Standard Internet. I have been paying promotional pricing for 3 years now. I brought my own modem :)

That's for offer you $34.99 plus tax for 12 months. After 12 months, It will increase to regular price.



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That's for offer you $34.99 plus tax for 12 months. After 12 months, It will increase to regular price.

I know :) After 12 month, I always called TWC to give me promotional pricing or I will switch to At&t Uverse. Time Warner dont want to lose me as a customer lol. Three years ago, I paid $40 a month for Turbo. Then last year I pay $30 a month for Standard and now this year $35 a month :)
silverhawke - thanks for upfront info. The equipment in my area for sat is either hopper or genie. I dunno which I would switch to. evo dragon - yeah I saw the catch- but they also have a 3 year plan. 1st year the advertised price, 2nd bit higher then 3rd is normal price. If you quit early, you have to pay termination fee for EACH month remaining on contract. I am thinking - geez I better be happy with it for 2-3 years straight!

Thing is - you dont see real world problems till a year later to see the quirks of things so the 30 days moneyback guarantee is moot. Sigh.

Diehardbiker makes a good point - if fios was available, I would switch to package deal already too. It would be the turning point for me in a heartbeat.
silverhawke - thanks for upfront info. The equipment in my area for sat is either hopper or genie.

Actually, If you want Dish VIP 222k (No DVR) or Dish VIP 722k DVR, you have to call/chat with Dish. On Directv website, they give you a choice. You can have Genie(top) or get regular HD receiver which is on the bottom
well guys -- here is an update. I made the jump to get direct TV. The offer at local BJ's to get 200 buck gift card plus 10 buck off bill from friend referral pushed me over . I kept my Road runner and turned everything else into TW. Got a 4 room package with ability to record 5 shows at once. I am thinking of getting the genie go though so I can test it out for captioning on tablets and smartphones.

I can tell you this much -- The genie boxes lets you enable the captioning and change the fonts, colors,background, use it in closed caption mode or open captioned mode. Or you can leave it off and use the TV. On one tv I had both captioning on the tv and genie and both showed up. It was weird since the location of tv was not in same spot . I did it just to see what would happen. So far the weather here is good so I dont know what captioning would be like in bad weather but Ill update here when it does happen .

If anyone here makes the jump to get direct TV too, let me know we can share info so we can help each other to lower the bill like my friend and I did.