I have bad experience with Time Warner. I currently using DTV since 2000 and Time Warner for Internet. If I ever get FiOS in my neighborhood, I will make that switch right away.
DirecTV is mostly okay for me, still somewhat better than Time Warner. I busted Time Warner for lying to me back in 2000. I was supposed to have service call on that date, and the technician never showed up. I had to call back, and gave Time Warner two choices, show up today (That was promised appointment) or never. The operator said, yes technician was at my home... I said oh really?, I looked at front door, mind you there was 18 inches of snow, no footprints! I asked the operator why lied to me? I told them "you got today or never", they choose never, so I set up DirecTV afterwards and telco for Internet. I can not accept lying from any businesses. I eventually switched Internet back to Time Warner due to lousy Internet connection from telco.