Thing is, if it were to be completely realistic and as an educational approach, it'd fall more along the lines of a documentary and you know how those go.
Probably not many people would be interested in watching it. Who wants to see a hearing/deaf person clarifying information over each time something was not understood? Nobody wants to spend much time watching someone ask someone to repeat something either. Bay makes learning sign look easy.
It is made as a drama so it can at least earn revenue to keep it going. Matlin gets paid to entertain, deaf education probably not so much. I would imagine the same goes for Beardy.
The show being able to bring out some common themes in deaf culture is a plus, it is something that at the least gets the ball rolling.
All true enough,
but still, they could made at least the first few episodes more into communication barrier and struggle, no?
All in good time. There are many more episodes to come yet.
Ugh! I keep making a point to see this show but I keep forgetting when it airs. Shame on me.
Do you have any way to record it, though?
Better yet, pre-record the entire series?
I don't have a DVR.Maybe I will get a chance to get one after I move.
All true enough,
but still, they could made at least the first few episodes more into communication barrier and struggle, no?
The show was nominated for five teen choice awards and is very popular. I don't think many kids think it's 'retarded' because of the deaf aspect- maybe more because it's got that whole 'girl teen romance drama' aspect and kids don't want to admit they like it.
When I was a kid I loved 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'. At school NO ONE would admit they watched and liked it. We all called it stupid and acted like we didn't like it. Despite that, every girl I knew watched every single episode. It was like a secret indulgence that everyone was too embarrassed to say they liked because it was cheesy and silly. I wonder if it isn't the same with this show because I know the show isn't hurting for ratings.
I have had a few of the young people I work with ask me questions about my hearing loss, very sincerely, because they are curious after seeing the show and want to learn ASL or want to tell me about how cute they think 'Emmett' is. Honestly, I think some kids are seeing the show and *just* realizing that deaf people are normal people too, so it's eye opening on some level. The show could be done better but, it's a fun show and I think it's nice to have some deaf and hard of hearing actors on screen.