what does lsq mean? <confused>
Quebec Sign Language
what does lsq mean? <confused>
People who want to learn ASL swearing first aren't much different than people who used to ask me only how to swear in Spanish or English. Maybe they feel if they are being crude and someone doesn't understand them then they aren't being crude.
My youngest niece still uses the "F" word on my FB's page. (I joined FB last April because my friends begged me. So, I joined.) She's 13, btw. I think I probably will talk to her in person when I see her tomorrow. I don't know. Maybe it's none of my business. :shrug:
One of the reasons why I am hesitant of allowing my daughter to have a Myspace or Facebook.
I was the same as you RDC girl, not wanting to ask my ASL teacher about profanity, but eventually found some of the signs at Profanity in ASL - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Yup, I had see some like that in books even some related to drug abused as it is useful tools for social workers to help deaf people get out of trouble. Also useful tool for people help deaf children who was in sexual abuse or whatever that need to said in court what other said to other.Is there a website or someplace where I can look up and see cuss words in sign language?? Or does anyone know words?
You see when I could talk thats how I expressed myself if I was mad or angry. Its harder now, that I'm unable to talk anymore. I can still hear, but can't talk, due to medical reasons.