I thought I would like to share a story about how my friends got suspended years ago. I thought it was hilarious!!
My friends skipped classes to smoke their cigarettes at a local library outside (it is across from high school), somehow, teacher spotted them smoking cigarettes there. Next morning, they got slips to see the principal and learned that they got into trouble for skipping classes and smoking cigarettes. One friend asked principal if he could grant him two days suspension instead of a few days of all day detention in insolated room. He called his parents about his son's actions. His parents did not want him to spend home alone during 2 days suspension. He was given to stay all day in the isolated room (detention room) for a few days.
Other guy got too excited when the principal informed him that he had to suspend him for two weeks because he often got into trouble at high school. He got up wildly ...flipping his fingers to the principal's face as he screamed his lungs out FUCK YOU!! Two weeks later, he got expelled for screaming at the principal!!
I was told next day and I :jaw: , but laughed so hard!!
Anyway, they are happily married and have kids now.
Another story was far fetched!! My other friend brought his dad's playboy magazine to high school (he stole it from him at home). He showed it to his hearing buddy in the hallway. Somehow, the gossip spreaded into other people's ears, they flocked to see the porn material.. the circle grew and grew until teacher intervened.. they zoomed away into different directions. What left were my friend and his hearing buddy. They sent to the most brutal principal's office, of course, separately. My friend entered into the office and was questioned about how the magazine got into the school in the first place. The principal flipped it open and showed the picture of naked gal to him as he looked away to the wall. LOL My friend got quick thinking.... guess what he said to him?
"I found it on the floor."
The principal's face was beet red!! His hearing friend was suspended for nothing while my friend was waived!!