Survey For Deaf People - Views On Interpreters


New Member
May 31, 2004
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Hello to all - first I would like to introduce myself. My name is Eryka Snow and I am currently an ITP student (Interpreter Training Program). I am taking a class entitled "Role of the Interpreter" at Cincinnati State in Ohio and we were asked to do an interview of deaf people to find out their views on interpreters. If anyone would like to participate, I would greatly appreciate it! The survey quesitons are listed below; you can answer them and post them to the forum or you can email them to me at Thank you very much for your participation!

(if you don't think you know an answer, do as best as you can to come up with an answer or just don't answer that question at all! Thanks again!)

1. Do you think all interpreters are certified?

2. In your opinion, what are the normal requirements to enter the interpreting profession?

3. How would you describe a typical day for interpreters? (duties, stressors, predictability, etc.)

4. What aspects of using an interpreter do you like the most? The least?

5. What advice would you give to someone who is entering the field of interpreting?

6. Do you think interpreters belong to organizations or clubs? Which ones?

7. How often do you think interpreters attend seminars or workshops related to interpreting?

8. What places can you expect to see an interpreter?

9. What are the working conditions for an interpreter?

10. What kind of education is required to become an interpreter? Do they just have to know Deaf people or be CODAs, or do they have to go to school for it?

11. What do you think interpreters get paid?

12. What do you think interpreters enjoy about their jobs? What do you think they dislike about their jobs?

13. Do you think interpreters sometimes put their job before their family and friends? How often?

Thanks very much for this comment. It help me to think about my ideals.

Tks again and pls keep posting.