

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2012
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After 6 hours, its done....


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    new tatt.jpg
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well unlike a bracelet you won't lose that one
Omg bro! That is friggin awesome!

Would you mind if I asked how much that cost you ?

I have a tattoo as well. It is of a cross! I have many tattoos but I have only uploaded 3 pictures on my AllDeaf Profile so far (building my profile so to speak, hehe! ;) ), one of which shows my cross! :D

Also, did you make the design yourself?

She did it for $200 as it was a medical tattoo, I gave her $300 because she spent 6 hours non stop. I did a minor goof as I gave her the old copy before I proof read it , so she is going to fix the "N" in Information. Its a simple easy fix. other than that its a great piece she did for me. I gave her a design, she changed it to make it the way it is now with a bigger symbol, as mine was based on the size of a 3x5 index card size... Instead of side to side, she made it larger so its readable going vertically on my arm.
She also added my allergies ( stinging and biting insects ) still trying to figure out the blood type ( O+ ) where to put it and how... didnt want to clutter it too much

But those were my sumission of the card idea and her idea and rendered artwork I choose


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How painful was it to be done? My daughter has 2 tattoos and she said it hurt to get them . It came out great !
it was only tender at my wrist and bend of my arm, the rest was completely painless.

I could not read the last line. What does it say?

Do you think medical personnel will pay attention to the warning?

Are tattoo warnings and DNR's legally enforceable for medical situations? That seems like rather shaky legal grounds.
Reb medical personnel will not take any notice it illegal to
I'm thinking the DNR might not be enforceable, but the warning of no MRI should suffice, especially with the mention of the CI.

Do you think medical personnel will pay attention to the warning?

Are tattoo warnings and DNR's legally enforceable for medical situations? That seems like rather shaky legal grounds.

I had a client that I had to call the ambulance for and told the paramedics
she was DNR and the paramedics looked concerned . They didn't do too much work on my client after that . They brought her to the hospital which was right near her , she made it . She had PD and cancer but she was a tough cookie . Some of my clients had instructions posted on their fridge , it was bright orange paper saying they were DNR . I had few clients that were DNR.
If doc follows any instructions you tattoo with and cocks up that dr struck off..he don't know if you Pissed or not when had tat and has to go on that premis You could have death wish or just plain mad he got to go by that..No doc will do anything he not tested out for himself doc are scientists it nature of subject you prove everything until proved otherwise..Sorry
It applies to America All of Europe Australia Nz.China Russia not have clue what it means