Hi. I thought I just let you guys know, surgery went well, and all is great. I am back home today. Not good sleep last nite, ofc its the hospital who ever sleeps well in hospitals. lol.
I got there about 9. got ready and stuff then surgery finally start at 12, which was an hour late but not bad, then they put an_____ in my iv and oxygen mask on my face and i remember dr saying take deep breath then that last thing i remember. I woke up about 4:30 all confused and lost. my head was so heavy i couldn't move it very well, and was very dizzy, but at about 4:45 i went to my room, and i was feeling a bit better, my parent came, then i had emotional breakdown for some reason i dun know why, just started crying. I think it was the fact that i was hurting, dizzy, and my parent had to leave me alone in the hospital which i didnt want. but i felt better, then a friend of mine came to visit, which helped alot, relaxed etc then they all left, and i try to sleep through the night, lousy sleep, woke up about 5am and didnt go back to sleep, dr came in, took banage off, hair was a huge mess, so tried to brush it without hitting the scar it was tough because my hair was matted with blood as well so it was difficult trying to brush it lol. neway so i went home. Just got home now. and I think i will go for a nap. I am not feeling any pains or anything, thanks to meds lol. but only pain is my throat, as sore throat i think from oxygen tube. Also stiff around my neck but not bad.
So everything went really well. No side effects otherthan ringing in my ear, which comes and go and the meds seems to help reduce it which is good. I try yelling with my right ear pluged with my finger i couldn't hear anything lol. its strange lol.
ANyway talk to you later, will catch up on the threads i missed since yesterday as i noticed alot of new threads and topics lol.
Bye BYe