Surgery Day

I had for the same reason my hair cut really short...:roll:so I woudn't touch my hair...

a suggestion for anyone that is going to get CI and has glasses..always take thin wire glasses..mine are pretty thick ...

Etalton , I have the extended earhook too and seems to work most of the times..but as I'm always out and about , pretty scared that I won't lose it...

I used to have short hair and decided to grow it out before the surgery. At this point I am glad I did as I am still wearing my backup processor and it is stick out like a sore thumb tan. Once I get my chocolate brown one, I may get my hair cut again, especially when the hot weather rolls around. Maybe by then I won't be so self conscious.
I have the chocolate backups here in Greece..and it really blends with my hair..nobody even notices it when I wear it...( I don't wear it all the time due to the weight )

My parents wanted the ugly tan , but I bought the choc one and I'm pretty pleased with my choice.My audie said if I wanted I could choose the pink one..LOL!

As for high collars....u're right! I do wear all the time turtle neck long sweaters and that might be a good reason of the displacing! lol! I can't have my throat/neck exposed , get very cold and very nuts!! lol!! the other day I was so bundled up that it fell so often that I lost patience and put it in my bag! lol!!

I will order today the babyworn and the rechargeables batteries *sigh* I hope they arrive before new year's.
I used to have short hair and decided to grow it out before the surgery. At this point I am glad I did as I am still wearing my backup processor and it is stick out like a sore thumb tan. Once I get my chocolate brown one, I may get my hair cut again, especially when the hot weather rolls around. Maybe by then I won't be so self conscious.


i think your self-consciousness will diminish over time. i happen to have very long hair, but i'm known for wearing my ci magnets over my hair when it is tied back in a ponytail or braid. no one ever asks me what my ci's are. the only exception was one woman who asked if my processors were a bluetooth headset. i think another reason why people don't ask me what my ci's are is because they are black and blend in pretty well with my blondish brown hair.
I wear glasses as well, and it is awkward. I am adjusting to it and find the snugfit wasn't such a good fit :giggle: I went back to the regular earhook, then the extended one and that works best for me so far. The only time mine falls off is if I wear a scarf or something with a high collar and I adjust it. I am just getting used to not playing with my hair as I knock the cable and the whole thing falls.

i have a leather coat with a thick, high collar and whenever i turn my head, one of my processors always fall off.

it's funny you should mention playing with your hair. when i was in the doctor's office the other day, i started playing with mine and my speech processor went flying into the air and i needed help finding it. i'll get over the habit of playing with my hair someday. LOL!

as for wearing a scarf, what i've found helpful is to wear a head scarf that wraps around my head and ears. it also helps keep my processors warm so that the batteries don't die prematurely in the cold.
I wear glasses as well, and it is awkward. I am adjusting to it and find the snugfit wasn't such a good fit :giggle: I went back to the regular earhook, then the extended one and that works best for me so far. The only time mine falls off is if I wear a scarf or something with a high collar and I adjust it. I am just getting used to not playing with my hair as I knock the cable and the whole thing falls.

i wear wire rimmed sunglasses and the fit is quite comfortable. i've never experienced any pain while wearing my speech processors nor have they ever fallen off my ears because of the sunglasses.

i think your self-consciousness will diminish over time. i happen to have very long hair, but i'm known for wearing my ci magnets over my hair when it is tied back in a ponytail or braid. no one ever asks me what my ci's are. the only exception was one woman who asked if my processors were a bluetooth headset. i think another reason why people don't ask me what my ci's are is because they are black and blend in pretty well with my blondish brown hair.
You are right, and I know it. Once the newness wears off I don't think I will care. It will just be a part of me, like it or leave it. Especially once the brown ones come in. I guess it is because I can see it and I am still not used to it.
i have a leather coat with a thick, high collar and whenever i turn my head, one of my processors always fall off.

it's funny you should mention playing with your hair. when i was in the doctor's office the other day, i started playing with mine and my speech processor went flying into the air and i needed help finding it. i'll get over the habit of playing with my hair someday. LOL!

as for wearing a scarf, what i've found helpful is to wear a head scarf that wraps around my head and ears. it also helps keep my processors warm so that the batteries don't die prematurely in the cold.

I guess it is a good thing I have a new office chair at the house and it does not have a back wide enough for my cats to lay on. I have one cat that likes to "groom" my hair and he would probably send my processor flying through the air. I didn't know that the cold air had that much influence on the batteries. Guess I wasn't thinking. I had thought of carrying a waterproof hat in my purse in case it rains and I have no umbrella, just hadn't thought about the cold.
i wear wire rimmed sunglasses and the fit is quite comfortable. i've never experienced any pain while wearing my speech processors nor have they ever fallen off my ears because of the sunglasses.

My processor hasn't fallen off yet due to the glasses, but sometimes the wire rim gets tangled with the earhook and doesn't feel right. For me, it is more soreness than pain at the top of my ear where the earhook sits. It is better since I switched to the extended earhook, but after an 8 hour day, it can still feel a bit sore.
I guess it is a good thing I have a new office chair at the house and it does not have a back wide enough for my cats to lay on. I have one cat that likes to "groom" my hair and he would probably send my processor flying through the air. I didn't know that the cold air had that much influence on the batteries. Guess I wasn't thinking. I had thought of carrying a waterproof hat in my purse in case it rains and I have no umbrella, just hadn't thought about the cold.

i only found out about the connection between cold temperatures and how it drains ci batteries when my processors started beeping last winter after being out in the cold for only 10 minutes. when i e-mailed cochlear to ask about what was happening and why, they told me it was due to the cold and to wear a hat, head scarf or something to cover my ears in order to prevent the batteries from dying prematurely. now that i think about it, the same thing used to happen to me when i wore hearing aids -- especially digitals.
You are right, and I know it. Once the newness wears off I don't think I will care. It will just be a part of me, like it or leave it. Especially once the brown ones come in. I guess it is because I can see it and I am still not used to it.

i know what you mean. when i started wearing a ci, i was also self-conscious about the way it looked. over time though, that lessened and now i no longer think about it.

in fact, there are many times where i forget that i'm wearing my processors.
hmmm that about the own did die prematurely today but I didn't think it was from the cold...

Lisa , as for the habit fixing your hair and! I definitely understand...
Lisa , as for the habit fixing your hair and! I definitely understand...

i'm glad i'm not alone! sometimes i think about cutting my long hair so i can stop the habit, but i just can't do it! :lol:
Hi, hope you're having a great holiday season! Sounds like a good possibility you have a skin infection from a dirty processor. Do you use a Dry & Store dehumidifier? Its UV disinfecting light should kill the bugs causing your irritation. Another way is to use a very damp amount of alcohol to clean the affected area, avoid getting it on or near the mic.

Hey J, Holidays was great thanks, so stuffed with the food and spoilt with pressies, Hope your hols was good too, did santa bring you anything?
regarding to your post, I don't think I have any infection as no skin is broken or fluidy areas, it's just the ear hook digging into top of my ear, it's red and bit puffy (bit like wearing new shoes all day) I do use my Dry and store every day if not every other day. It's probably because my ear had started to get more feelings back (Since the operation it had been numb) The Alcohol sounds like a plan but only if i don't drink it first, :giggle:! I have surgical spirit so will have a little dab of it on my ear to toughen the skin.

i'm glad i'm not alone! sometimes i think about cutting my long hair so i can stop the habit, but i just can't do it! :lol:

Me too!! My hair is slowly getting shorter! It was half way down my back, now it's shoulder length and soon it will be half way up the nape of my neck to catch up with my shaven bit! the shaven bit which is about 3 inch square from my ear to nape, the hair is roughly about 3 to 4 inches long but since i straighten my hair this blxxdy short hair is curly and sticks out, no amount of straightening it would work! Once the hair is growing evenly i won't have it chopped off for loong time yet!
I KEEP on playing with my hair too! And the magnet keeps falling out!

Old habits die hard.

Now I just got used to playing with my hair from the left side only (CI is on right). That's much better.
I KEEP on playing with my hair too! And the magnet keeps falling out!

Old habits die hard.

Now I just got used to playing with my hair from the left side only (CI is on right). That's much better.

The funny thing is, I never really play with my hair when it is short. Only once it is growing out and there is actually hair to play with. :giggle: I have also started to play with it more as I am still self conscious and try to make sure my hair covers the magnet. Of course, when I do that, nine times out of ten I knock the magnet lose. Maybe I should get it cut short again....:hmm:
Me too!! My hair is slowly getting shorter! It was half way down my back, now it's shoulder length and soon it will be half way up the nape of my neck to catch up with my shaven bit! the shaven bit which is about 3 inch square from my ear to nape, the hair is roughly about 3 to 4 inches long but since i straighten my hair this blxxdy short hair is curly and sticks out, no amount of straightening it would work! Once the hair is growing evenly i won't have it chopped off for loong time yet!

My hair is the opposite. When it is short, it tends to be straight. It is only when it gets longer that my natural wave/curl comes into play.
Me too!! My hair is slowly getting shorter! It was half way down my back, now it's shoulder length and soon it will be half way up the nape of my neck to catch up with my shaven bit! the shaven bit which is about 3 inch square from my ear to nape, the hair is roughly about 3 to 4 inches long but since i straighten my hair this blxxdy short hair is curly and sticks out, no amount of straightening it would work! Once the hair is growing evenly i won't have it chopped off for loong time yet!

many, many years ago i used to have what is called a "boy cut" meaning that my hair was extremely short.

however, over the past 10 years, my hair has become very long and because of that, i just don't have the heart to cut it. i've found that pulling my hair back in a ponytail or braid helps solve the problem of wanting to play with it.