Grendel, Agreed with jillo 100%!!!! She's not using oralist to describe anyone with oral skills/oral abilty. She is NOT a "Sign chaunavist" ......Maybe that might be a good way to describe the type of mentality jillo is trying to Oral chaunavist.
Many of us here have decent oral skills, and we appreciate them. We however believe that ASL is quite important too. We think a full toolbox is important, since while quite a few kids can master oral abilty, oral abilty really doesn't capitalize on a dhh kid's nautral visual processing strengh. Also, the question is whether or not kids can develop sophisticated spoken language, that they can use in any and every sitution. Some kids can and do (and some kids even take foriegn languages!) But, to think that oral only will be sufficent for acheivement is like thinking that if a person is a good driver with optimal driving conditons, they will be a good driver in a raging blizzard. Heck even many hoh kids (who tend to be very oral and not have a lot of exposure to Deaf culture) have difficulty with language and don't perform on par in school.
Make sense now?