Warning: Long post.
Well, I am not gay or homosexual but I would vote against Federal Marriage Amendment, it is ridiculous and nonsense.. but again, what do you expect from a president like Bush? It means that we can do something about Bush when Nov comes up.. you have the power to change that by voting.. in other words, if you didn't vote then you cannot complain about his retarded presidential skill.
Anyway back to the topic..
To be honesty with you, I would be say "eww" if I am go for men instead of women because of my feelings therefore I can understand about lesbians, gays, bisexuals, list goin on... and their feelings toward their non-opposite sex/opposite sex lovers or will-be-lovers. With that "Federal Marriage Amendment", it is just like having them to tell us how we should feel and what we should feel... therefore it goes against my belief.
About stats.. sorry everyone but I have to speak up about stats so please don't offend by my sayings.
The stats that you people mentioned in this topic represents
nothing but false datas and security. Allow me explain what I mean by that statement. Not all people in 50 or 51 states if you are considering D.C. as a state.. have same opinions about different issues. For example, people in San Francisco have strong feelings against chemical-laced farming or non-organic foods yet idiotic red-necked people in other states (refuse to mention which states)
encourage the chemical farming system and don't give any damn how much it will affect their life. So if researchers get the red-necked people in other states, not California or San Francisco together to make the poll out of their opinions about health issues.. will that data be a ethic or offical stats about organic farming or Health issue? Do you see the point that I am trying to make?
Another example, I am not saying that all americans are but most americans are very senitive about being nude in public.. yet Swedishs or other countries welcome the idea and walked nude proudly in certain public places. They strongly believe in making love and bonded relationship (one of many reasons why they have very, very low divorce rating compare to America, I can explain more about that but it will be offtopic but you can see the point I am trying to make). If they interview Swedishs-America citizen in America to make the stats, which the data do you think that will represents the stats?
In other words, these stats does NOT represents ANYTHING. Another perfect example:
deafdyke said:
Yes, most pedophilles are straight. Even many who belong to NAMBLA are in actuality straight.
Some stats dictates that most non-straight people are pedophilles (cannot remember where the sources are but I do remember that it was posted on the wall in mall-library). I personally think that is false information (most pedophilles are straight) as well but I don't care because I know I am straight yet I am not pedophilles therefore the stats or whatever source that is failed and nonsense. I am AWARE of "most" word but straight people I know aren't pedophilles therefore I don't believe in that nonsense statement. My point is: everyone can be pedophilles, murderer, wife-beater/husband-beater, gold-digger, etc etc.. but it is OUR choice to not do these immoral activities, not our certain "feelings" nor our gender. Note: deafdyke, sorry if I use your statement as example but that is just perfect example that I saw the stats on the wall. I hope I didn't offend you.
Remember that people included scientists & researchers can lie about the datas, their feelings, etc etc.. therefore most, if not all stats are false.
I have other comment that I would like to discuss about God issue but last thing I want to do is having this debate with you, Reba :P It is clear that you and I have our own difference on this matter. I am all for anti-Federal Marriage Amendment but if it has ever come to pass, I will move to Sweden or Denmark and enjoy the richness in life with a woman where people hold in highest respect for relationship and sex or making love.
P.S. Simple solution to all problems: If you are happy with your feelings or choice you made or plan to make then DO IT man... but of course as long as it is within ethic, moral and common sense border. No one can tell you when, how, why and how you can be happy.. only you and yourself so screw others and be happy with choices you made or will make in your life